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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
seqiolib public Library to read, write sequence, variants, regions to use them for training of machine learning algorithms. 2023-06-16
mmult public Multiple sample analysis from large-scale WGBS data 2023-06-16
pm4ngs public PM4NGS generates a standard organizational structure for Next Generation Sequencing (ngs) data analysis 2023-06-16
plasmidhawk public Plasmidhawk is a program for detecting lab-of-origin of input plasmids by building an annotated pangenome of training plasmids. 2023-06-16
ope public Tools for gnu-parallel with FASTA input and parsers for some common formats. 2023-06-16
debarcer public A package for De-Barcoding and Error Correction of sequencing data containing molecular barcodes. 2023-06-16
eigenstratdatabasetools public A set of tools to compare and manipulate the contents of EingenStrat databases, and to calculate SNP coverage statistics in such databases. 2023-06-16
psm_fragments public PSM validation against ion fragmentation 2023-06-16
pan-plaster public Plaster is a program for quick linear pangenome construction. 2023-06-16
scvi-tools public Deep probabilistic analysis of single-cell omics data. 2023-06-16
deepnog public Deep learning tool for protein orthologous group assignment 2023-06-16
treecluster public Identify clusters in phylogenetic trees based on a distance threshold and other constraints 2023-06-16
biotransformer public Predicts small molecule metabolism. 2023-06-16
hamip public HaMiP is A scalable, accurate, and efficient solution for hydroxymethylation analysis of CMS-IP data. 2023-06-16
sidr public Sequence Idenification using Decision tRees; a tool to classify DNA reads using machine learning models. 2023-06-16
cmip public CMIP Classical Molecular Interaction Potentials 2023-06-16
clinker public Clinker is a bioinformatics pipeline that generates a superTranscriptome from popular fusion finder outputs (JAFFA, tophatFusion, SOAP, deFUSE, Pizzly, etc), that can be then be either viewed in genome viewers such as IGV or through the included plotting feature developed with GViz. 2023-06-16
igblast-parser public Parser of Igblast results into a csv file 2023-06-16
grafimo public GRAFIMO, GRAph-based Finding of Indivividual Motif Occurrences 2023-06-16
pydownsampler public A Python package for downsampling sequence alignment files 2023-06-16
coconet-binning public A contig binning tool from viral metagenomes 2023-06-16
genomic_regions public Consistently handle genomic regions 2023-06-16
mnnpy public Mutual nearest neighbors correction in python. 2023-06-16
omero-py public Client library offering helper methods to access an OMERO server. 2023-06-16
cluster_vcf_records public Package to cluster VCF records. For use by gramtools and minos 2023-06-16
pathracer public PathRacer is a tool for alignment of profile HMM against assembly graph. 2023-06-16
metapop public A pipeline for the macro- and micro-diversity analyses and visualization of metagenomic-derived populations 2023-06-16
ragtag public Fast reference-guided genome assembly scaffolding 2023-06-16
pgdspider public An automated data conversion tool for connecting population genetics and genomics programs 2023-06-16
jcast public Jcast retrieves splice junction information and translates into amino acids 2023-06-16
wlogdate public An implementation of the wLogDate algorithm for dating phylogenetic trees 2023-06-16
bacphlip public A Random Forest classifier to predict bacteriophage lifestyle 2023-06-16
pyclone public PyClone: A probabilistic model for inferring clonal population structure from deep NGS sequencing. 2023-06-16
pydp public PyDP is library for implementing Dirichlet Process mixture models (DPMM) 2023-06-16
isaac4 public Ultra-fast whole-genome alignment for Illumina sequencing platforms. 2023-06-16
metatree public Visualisation of polyphyletic groups between phylogenetic trees to a reference tree. 2023-06-16
catch_chimera public CATCh is an ensemble classifier for chimera detection in 16S rRNA sequencing studies. The present bioconda recipe installs the 'CATCh_v1.run' binary, as suggested on authors website. 2023-06-16
fastg2protlib public FASTG sequences to a protein library. 2023-06-16
opentargets-urlzsource public File and url handling 2023-06-16
macse public MACSE: Multiple Alignment of Coding SEquences Accounting for Frameshifts and Stop Codons. 2023-06-16
scapp public Plasmid assembly in metagenomes 2023-06-16
cellrank-krylov public CellRank for directed single-cell fate mapping 2023-06-16
hpsuissero public Rapid Haemophilus parasuis serotyping pipeline for Nanopore Data 2023-06-16
chisel public Copy-number Haplotype Inference in Single-cell by Evolutionary Links 2023-06-16
bioconda2biocontainer public BioContainers API client: find biocontainer images for Bioconda packages 2023-06-16
jasminesv public Software for merging structural variants between individuals 2023-06-16
bmge public BMGE (Block Mapping and Gathering with Entropy) is a program that selects regions in a multiple sequence alignment that are suited for phylogenetic inference. 2023-06-16
ldblockshow public a tool for showing linkage disequilibrium heatmaps from variant call format (VCF) files 2023-06-16
tbox-scan public tbox-scan is for detecting and classifying T-boxes in DNA sequences. 2023-06-16
plasclass public Classification of plasmid sequences 2023-06-16

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