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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
mirnature public MiRNAture improves on ideas from MIRfix and integrates it with homology search. miRNAture is specifically designed to identify and annotate metazoan miRNAs in a homology-based setting and is complementary to tools and pipelines that extract miRNA candidates from small RNA-seq data 2023-06-16
ribolands public Energy landscapes and folding kinetics of nucleic acids 2023-06-16
crnsimulator public Simulate chemical recation networks (CRNs) using ordinary differential equations (ODEs). 2023-06-16
samap public The SAMap algorithm 2023-06-16
vulcan public vulcan, map long reads and prosperđź––, a long read mapping pipeline that melds minimap2 and NGMLR 2023-06-16
rnabridge-denovo public A tool to construct the alignments of entire fragments given the alignments of paired-end reads. 2023-06-16
jvarkit-wgscoverageplotter public Whole genome BAM coverage plotter 2023-06-16
basenji public Sequential regulatory activity predictions with deep convolutional neural networks. 2023-06-16
perl-atlas-modules public A package exporting in-house perl functions and classes used in the data production of EMBL-EBI Expression Atlas data. 2023-06-16
covid-spike-classification public Detect interesting SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants from Sanger sequencing data. 2023-06-16
bamtocov public Extract coverage information from BAM files, supporting stranded and physical coverage and streams. 2023-06-16
trim_isoseq_polya public Trims polyA tails from IsoSeq FASTA files 2023-06-16
trimns_vgp public TrimNs is used to trim and remove fake cut sites from bionano hybrid scaffold data in the VGP pipeline. 2023-06-16
bamsnap public A converter from .bam to .png for specific genomic region. 2023-06-16
clusterfunk public Miscellaneous clustering manipulation tools for phylogenetic trees 2023-06-16
reportfunk public Central set of functions generally useful for civet, llama and any report generating tools that may exist in the future 2023-06-16
fastafunk public Miscellaneous fasta manipulation tools 2023-06-16
htseqqc public HTSeqQC is an automated quality control analysis tool for a single and paired-end high-throughput sequencing data (HTS) generated from Illumina sequencing platforms 2023-06-16
president public Calculate pairwise nucleotide identity with respect to a reference sequence. 2023-06-16
ptools_bin public Installation for ptools scripts. 2023-06-16
cov-lineages public A dynamic nomenclature proposal for SARS-CoV-2 to assist genomic epidemiology 2023-06-16
chip-r public ChIP-R is a method for assessing the reproducibility of replicated ChIP-seq or ATAC-seq experiments. 2023-06-16
bioconductor-expressionnormalizationworkflow public Gene Expression Normalization Workflow 2023-06-16
megatron public MEGATRON - MEGA TRajectories of clONes 2023-06-16
simba public SIMBA - SIngle-cell eMBedding Along with features 2023-06-16
salsa2 public Salsa is a tool to scaffold long read assemblies with Hi-C. 2023-06-16
phirbo public Predict prokaryotic hosts for phage (meta) genomic sequences 2023-06-16
primalscheme public primalscheme is a tool for designing primer panels for multiplex PCR 2023-06-16
bayesase public Bayesian analysis of allele specific expression 2023-06-16
xtea public TE insertion caller for both short and long reads 2023-06-16
run-dbcan public Standalone version of dbCAN annotation tool for automated CAZyme annotation 2023-06-16
pangolearn public Store of the trained model for pangolin to access. 2023-06-16
spatyper public Computational method for finding spa types. 2023-06-16
shovill-se public An fork of Shovill (microbial assembly pipeline for Illumina paired-end reads) that supports single-end reads. 2023-06-16
pulchra public A tool for all-atom reconstruction and refinement of reduced protein models 2023-06-16
datafunk public Miscellaneous data manipulation tools for fasta and sam files 2023-06-16
siann public SIANN was created to allow creation of local small sets of bacterial/viral genomes to perform strain level differentiation from fastq data 2023-06-16
bugseq-porechop public Adapter removal and demultiplexing of Oxford Nanopore reads (fork of artic-network/Porechop) 2023-06-16
ribominer public A python toolset for mining multi-dimensional features of the translatome with ribosome profiling data 2023-06-16
mitobim public mitochondrial baiting and iterative mapping 2023-06-16
pargenes public A massively parallel tool for model selection and tree inference on thousands of genes 2023-06-16
homopolish public Homopolish is a polish tools 2023-06-16
bioprov public BioProv - Provenance capture for bioinformatics workflows 2023-06-16
forceatlas2-python public Multithreaded Gephi Force Atlas2 Layout algorithm in 2D and 3D, which is used to calculate the pseudo-temporal development trajectory of single-cell data. 2023-06-16
predex public Prepare expression data for dgeAnalysis - LUMC. 2023-06-16
aodp public Cluster oligonucleotide signatures for rapid identification by sequencing 2023-06-16
chap public CHAP is a tool for the functional annotation of ion channel structures 2023-06-16
rfplasmid public RFPlasmid predicts plasmid contigs from assemblies using single copy marker genes, plasmid genes, and kmers. 2023-06-16
bamaddrg public Add read group to BAM files 2023-06-16
ryuto public Network-Flow based Transcriptome Reconstruction 2023-06-16

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