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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
proteomiqon-labeledproteinquantification public The tool LabeledProteinQuantification combines the results from ProteomIQon ProteinInference and ProteomIQon PSMBasedQuantification 2023-06-16
metaclock public A python package for facilitating strain-level phylogenetic and molecular clock analysis 2023-06-16
anadama2 public AnADAMA2: Another Automated Data Analysis Management Application 2 2023-06-16
codingorf public codingorf: The codingorf finds translatable ORFs from an input sequence 2023-06-16
magcluster public Magnetosome gene cluster identification, annotation and visualization tool 2023-06-16
cytocad public Large copy-number variation detector with low-depth whole-genome sequencing data 2023-06-16
gromacswrapper public GromacsWrapper wraps system calls to GROMACS tools into thin Python classes. 2023-06-16
numkit public Numerical first aid kit (with numpy/scipy). 2023-06-16
rd-analyzer public In silico region of difference (RD) analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex from sequence reads 2023-06-16
viralverify public viral contig verification tool 2023-06-16
nopilesum public nopilesum is a D program that functions as an alternative to GATK4's GetPileupSummaries. 2023-06-16
domino public AMI algorithm with low rate of false calls 2023-06-16
hesslab-gambit public IMPORTANT: This recipe is out of date. Use "gambit" instead: http://bioconda.github.io/recipes/gambit/README.html 2023-06-16
titan-gc public Command-line version of the Titan genomic characterization workflow for viral pathogens of concern. 2023-06-16
variabel public Variabel is a novel approach and method for intrahost variant detection on ONT data, which outperforms existing ONT variant callers. 2023-06-16
sonneityping public Sonneityping parses the output of mykrobe predict for Shigella sonnei 2023-06-16
telr public A a fast non-reference transposable element (TE) detector from long read (LR) sequencing data (PacBio or Oxford Nanopore). 2023-06-16
endorspy public endorS.py calculates endogenous DNA from samtools flagstat files and print to screen 2023-06-16
hgvs public HGVS Parser, Formatter, Mapper, Validator 2023-06-16
megapath-nano public MegaPath-Nano: Accurate Compositional Analysis and Drug-level Antimicrobial Resistance Detection Software for Oxford Nanopore Long-read Metagenomics; MegaPath-Nano-Amplicon: filtering module for metagenomic amplicon data; MegaPath-Nano-Amplicon: filtering module for metagenomic amplicon data 2023-06-16
lrphase public Phasing individual long reads using known haplotype information. 2023-06-16
mstmap public Accurate construction of genetic maps (Wu et al., PLoS Genetics, 4(10):e1000212, 2008) 2023-06-16
ssdrippipeline public Useful tools for the analysis of ssDRIP-seq data 2023-06-16
ngs_te_mapper2 public A program to identify transposable element insertions using next generation sequencing data. 2023-06-16
peakhood public Individual site context extraction for CLIP-Seq peak regions 2023-06-16
aquilasv public A region-based diploid assembly and variants calling tool 2023-06-16
deepsignal-plant public A deep-learning method for detecting DNA methylation state from Oxford Nanopore sequencing reads of plants 2023-06-16
irida-staramr-results public IRIDA StarAMR Results program enables StarAMR analysis results that were run through IRIDA to be batch downloaded into a collection of spreadsheets using the command line. 2023-06-16
aquila_sv public Diploid assembly and variants calling tool 2023-06-16
miru-hero public Compute MIRU and Spoligotype from a M. tuberculosis genome 2023-06-16
htsqualc public HTSQualC is an automated quality control analysis tool for a single and paired-end high-throughput sequencing data (HTS) 2023-06-16
singlecellnet-cli public A set of command-line wrappers for the core functions in the SingleCellNet package. 2023-06-16
clusterone public Graph clustering algorithm 2023-06-16
metaplatanus public MetaPlatanus: A hybrid metagenome assembler 2023-06-16
iptkl public IPTK is a library specialized in the analysis of HLA-peptidomes identified through an immunopeptidomics pipeline. 2023-06-16
mixem public Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm for fitting mixtures of probability distributions 2023-06-16
preface public PREFACE -- PREdict FetAl ComponEnt 2023-06-16
rjchallis-assembly-stats public Assembly metric visualisations to facilitate rapid assessment and comparison of assembly quality. 2023-06-16
fade public fade is a D program that provides fast identification and removal of enzymatic fragmentation artifacts. 2023-06-16
recontig public recontig is a D program and python package that provides fast conversion of contig names between naming conventions for GFF, VCF/BCF, SAM/BAM, and BED files. 2023-06-16
coast public Alignment search tool that identifies similar proteomes. 2023-06-16
comut public A Python library for creating comutation plots to visualize genomic and phenotypic information 2023-06-16
deepsig public Predictor of signal peptides in proteins based on deep learning 2023-06-16
microphaser public Phasing small tumor DNA sequences for mutated neopeptide generation from NGS data. 2023-06-16
iqkm public Identification and quantification of KEGG Modules in metagenomes/genomes 2023-06-16
scallop-umi public A reference-based transcript assembler for linked-reads RNA-seq data. 2023-06-16
taranis public Pipeline for wg/cgMLST allele calling 2023-06-16
pyfba public Python-based Flux Balance Analysis using the ModelSEED 2023-06-16
alignment public Native Python library for generic sequence alignment. 2023-06-16
gait-gm public GAIT-GM - Modeling Metabolites as a function of gene expression 2023-06-16

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