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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pb-dazzler public The Dresden Assembler suite -- Pacific Biosciences forks 2024-12-14
perl-set-object public Unordered collections (sets) of Perl Objects 2024-12-14
swipe public Tool for performing rapid local alignment searches in amino acid or nucleotide sequence databases. It is a highly optimized implementation of the Smith-Waterman algoritm using SIMD parallel computing technology available on common CPUs. 2024-12-14
ucsc-nibfrag public Extract part of a nib file as .fa (all bases/gaps lower case by default) 2024-12-14
ucsc-checktablecoords public check invariants on genomic coords in table(s). 2024-12-14
ucsc-pslpostarget public flip psl strands so target is positive and implicit 2024-12-14
r-phyext2 public Based on (but not identical to) the no-longer-maintained package 'phyext', provides enhancements to 'phylobase' classes, specifically for use by package 'SigTree'; provides classes and methods which help users manipulate branch-annotated trees (as in 'SigTree'); also provides support for a few other extra features. 2024-12-14
bcalm public BCALM 2 is a bioinformatics tool for constructing the compacted de Bruijn graph from sequencing data. 2024-12-14
paladin public Protein Alignment and Detection Interface 2024-12-14
scrappie public Scrappie is a technology demonstrator for the Oxford Nanopore Research Algorithms group 2024-12-14
ucsc-pslpairs public join paired ends in psl alignments 2024-12-14
metacortex public MetaCortex is an assembler for metagenomic, or environmental sequence data. 2024-12-14
splitmem public Graphical pan-genome analysis with suffix skips 2024-12-14
qgrs-cpp public C++ implementation of QGRS mapping. 2024-12-14
readfq public A high-speed tool to calculate reads number and total base count in FASTQ file, forked from Li Heng's original version 2024-12-14
r-ggbiplot public A biplot based on ggplot2 2024-12-14
primer3-py public Python bindings for Primer3 2024-12-14
r-anndata public A 'reticulate' wrapper for the Python package 'anndata'. Provides a scalable way of keeping track of data and learned annotations. Used to read from and write to the h5ad file format. 2024-12-14
ucsc-maffetch public get overlapping records from an MAF using an index table 2024-12-14
fairy public fairy calculates all-to-all approximate coverage for multi-sample metagenomic binning > 100x faster than alignment. 2024-12-14
lrez public Standalone tool and library allowing to work with barcoded linked-reads 2024-12-14
r-phewas public Phenome Wide Association Studies (PheWAS) - Functions to perform Phenome Wide Association Studies (PheWAS). These functions include the conversion of ICD9 codes to PheWAS codes (v1.2), statistical analysis, and plotting. 2024-12-14
mrsfast public mrsFAST - micro-read substitution-only Fast Alignment Search Tool. 2024-12-14
soapdenovo2-errorcorrection public Error correction for soapdenovo2. 2024-12-14
terminus public Terminus enables the discovery of data-driven, robust transcript groups from RNA-seq data 2024-12-14
gbmunge public Munge GenBank files into FASTA and tab-separated metadata. 2024-12-14
gb_taxonomy_tools public These are four simple utilities which perform certain manipulations and visualization tasks on GenBank taxonomic information. 2024-12-14
famsa public Algorithm for large-scale multiple sequence alignments. 2024-12-14
rustyread public Rustyread, a long-read simulator 2024-12-14
seqan_tcoffee public SeqAn::T-Coffee - Multiple Sequence Alignment 2024-12-14
kronik public No Summary 2024-12-14
libsbml public LibSBML is a free, open-source programming library to help you read, write, manipulate, translate, and validate SBML files and data streams. 2024-12-14
ancestry_hmm-s public Inferring adaptive introgression from genomic data using hidden Markov models 2024-12-14
rapmap public Rapid sensitive and accurate read mapping via quasi-mapping 2024-12-14
ucsc-bedcoverage public Analyse coverage by bed files - chromosome by 2024-12-14
fsm-lite public Frequency-based String Mining (lite) 2024-12-14
gb-io public A Python interface to gb-io, a fast GenBank parser and serializer written in Rust. 2024-12-14
matlock public Simple tools for working with Hi-C data 2024-12-14
recgraph public Optimal sequence-to-graph alignment with recombinations 2024-12-14
ucsc-chainstitchid public Join chain fragments with the same chain ID into a single 2024-12-14
transgenescan public Software tool for finding genes in assembled transcripts from metatranscriptomic sequences. 2024-12-14
gatb public The Genome Analysis Toolbox with de-Bruijn graph 2024-12-14
unifrac-binaries public Fast phylogenetic diversity calculations 2024-12-14
r-spieceasi public Estimate networks from the precision matrix of compositional microbial abundance data. 2024-12-14
abawaca public No Summary 2024-12-14
mea public Mea was developed as part of the lab class "Bioinformatik von RNA- und Proteinstrukturen (Praktikum, Modul 10-202-2208)". The package predicts maximum expected accuracy (MEA) RNA secondary structures from dot plots of RNAs while correcting the score in dependence of base pair span. Furthermore, it provides tools to evaluate predictions and optimize parameters. 2024-12-14
ghostz public GHOSTZ is a highly efficient remote homologue detection tool 2024-12-14
r-metadig public A set of utility methods for authoring MetaDIG checks in R. 2024-12-14
rukki public Extracting paths from assembly graphs. 2024-12-14
rfmix public RFMix implements a fast discriminative approach to modeling ancestry along an admixed chromosome given observed haplotype sequences of known or inferred ancestry. 2024-12-14

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