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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
mageck-vispr public MAGeCK-VISPR is a comprehensive quality control, analysis and visualization workflow for CRISPR/Cas9 screens based on MAGeCK, VISPR, Snakemake, FastQC and cutadapt. 2023-06-16
qcli public qcli 2023-06-16
py-graphviz public Simple Python interface for Graphviz 2023-06-16
google-api-python-client public No Summary 2023-06-16
chanjo public Coverage analysis tool for clinical sequencing 2023-06-16
r-pcapp public Robust PCA by Projection Pursuit 2023-06-16
perl-module-build public Build and install Perl modules 2023-06-16
perl-bio-db-sam public Read SAM/BAM database files 2023-06-16
perl-vcftools-vcf public cpanm ready distribution of VCFtools Perl libraries 2023-06-16
protrac public piRNA detection 2023-06-16
glpk public The GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) package is intended for solving large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer programming (MIP), and other related problems. It is a set of routines written in ANSI C and organized in the form of a callable library. 2023-06-16
jamm public JAMM is a peak finder for NGS datasets (ChIP-Seq, ATAC-Seq, DNase-Seq..etc.) that can integrate replicates and assign peak boundaries accurately. 2023-06-16
variant-effect-predictor public The VEP determines the effect of your variants (SNPs, insertions, deletions, CNVs or structural variants) on genes, transcripts, and protein sequence, as well as regulatory regions. 2023-06-16
prinseq public PRINSEQ can be used to filter, reformat, or trim your genomic and metagenomic sequence data 2023-06-16
perl-db-file public Perl5 access to Berkeley DB version 1.x. 2023-06-16
perl-app-cpanminus public get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN 2023-06-16
lumpy-sv public a general probabilistic framework for structural variant discovery 2023-06-16
bio-vcf public Smart VCF parser 2023-06-16
hubward public Manage the visualization of large amounts of other people's [often messy] genomics data 2023-06-16
vispr public VISPR is a visualization framework and analysis workflow for CRISPR/Cas9 knockout screens. VISPR is designed to display results calculated by MAGeCK. 2023-06-16
r-listenv public List environments are environments that can be indexed similarly to lists, e.g. 'x <- listenv(); x[[2]] <- "b"; names(x)[2] <- "B"; print(x$B)'. 2023-06-16
r-circlize public Circular layout is an efficient way for the visualization of huge amounts of information. Here the circlize package provides an implementation of circular layout generation in R as well as an enhancement of available software. The flexibility of this package is based on the usage of low-level graphics functions such that self-defined high-level graphics can be easily implemented by users for specific purposes. Together with the seamless connection between the powerful computational and visual environment in R, circlize gives users more convenience and freedom to design figures for better understanding complex patterns behind multi-dimensional data. 2023-06-16
r-rcircos public A simple and flexible way to generate Circos 2D track plot images for genomic data visualization is implemented in this package. The types of plots include: heatmap, histogram, lines, scatterplot, tiles and plot items for further decorations include connector, link (lines and ribbons), and text (gene) label. All functions require only R graphics package that comes with R base installation. 2023-06-16
r-r.methodss3 public Methods that simplify the setup of S3 generic functions and S3 methods. Major effort has been made in making definition of methods as simple as possible with a minimum of maintenance for package developers. For example, generic functions are created automatically, if missing, and naming conflict are automatically solved, if possible. The method setMethodS3() is a good start for those who in the future may want to migrate to S4. This is a cross-platform package implemented in pure R that generates standard S3 methods. 2023-06-16
r-cghflasso public Spatial smoothing and hot spot detection using the fused lasso regression 2023-06-16
bcbio-rnaseq public Report generation for bcbio-nextgen RNA-seq runs 2023-06-16
r-hwriter public Easy-to-use and versatile functions to output R objects in HTML format 2023-06-16
r-hdrcde public Computation of highest density regions in one and two dimensions, kernel estimation of univariate density functions conditional on one covariate, and multimodal regression. 2023-06-16
r-ggdendro public This is a set of tools for dendrograms and tree plots using 'ggplot2'. The 'ggplot2' philosophy is to clearly separate data from the presentation. Unfortunately the plot method for dendrograms plots directly to a plot device without exposing the data. The 'ggdendro' package resolves this by making available functions that extract the dendrogram plot data. The package provides implementations for tree, rpart, as well as diana and agnes cluster diagrams. 2023-06-16
r-pheatmap public Implementation of heatmaps that offers more control over dimensions and appearance. 2023-06-16
r-globals public Identifies global ("unknown") objects in R expressions by code inspection using various strategies, e.g. conservative or liberal. The objective of this package is to make it as simple as possible to identify global objects for the purpose of exporting them in distributed compute environments. 2023-06-16
r-r.cache public Memoization can be used to speed up repetitive and computational expensive function calls. The first time a function that implements memoization is called the results are stored in a cache memory. The next time the function is called with the same set of parameters, the results are momentarily retrieved from the cache avoiding repeating the calculations. With this package, any R object can be cached in a key-value storage where the key can be an arbitrary set of R objects. The cache memory is persistent (on the file system). 2023-06-16
r-r.utils public Utility functions useful when programming and developing R packages. 2023-06-16
r-lsd public Create lots of colorful plots in a plethora of variations (try the LSD demotour() ) 2023-06-16
elasticluster public Create, manage and setup computing clusters hosted on a public or private cloud infrastructure. 2023-06-16
r-locfit public Local regression, likelihood and density estimation. 2023-06-16
r-ade4 public Tools for multivariate data analysis. Several methods are provided for the analysis (i.e., ordination) of one-table (e.g., principal component analysis, correspondence analysis), two-table (e.g., coinertia analysis, redundancy analysis), three-table (e.g., RLQ analysis) and K-table (e.g., STATIS, multiple coinertia analysis). The philosophy of the package is described in Dray and Dufour (2007) 2023-06-16
voluptuous public Python data validation library 2023-06-16
r-writexls public Cross-platform Perl based R function to create Excel 2003 (XLS) and Excel 2007 (XLSX) files from one or more data frames. Each data frame will be written to a separate named worksheet in the Excel spreadsheet. The worksheet name will be the name of the data frame it contains or can be specified by the user. 2023-06-16
r-shape public Functions for plotting graphical shapes such as ellipses, circles, cylinders, arrows, ... 2023-06-16
fadapa public FAstqc DAta PArser - A minimal parser to parse FastQC output data 2023-06-16
oauth2client public client library for OAuth 2.0 2023-06-16
r-funr public A small utility which wraps Rscript and provides access to all R functions from the shell. 2023-06-16
r-params public An interface to simplify organizing parameters used in a package, using external configuration files. This attempts to provide a cleaner alternative to options(). 2023-06-16
r-seqinr public Exploratory data analysis and data visualization for biological sequence (DNA and protein) data. Seqinr includes utilities for sequence data management under the ACNUC system described in Gouy, M. et al. (1984) Nucleic Acids Res. 12:121-127 <doi:10.1093/nar/12.1Part1.121>. 2023-06-16
r-nozzle.r1 public The Nozzle package provides an API to generate HTML reports with dynamic user interface elements based on JavaScript and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Nozzle was designed to facilitate summarization and rapid browsing of complex results in data analysis pipelines where multiple analyses are performed frequently on big data sets. The package can be applied to any project where user-friendly reports need to be created. 2023-06-16
r-dunn.test public Computes Dunn's test (1964) for stochastic dominance and reports the results among multiple pairwise comparisons after a Kruskal-Wallis test for stochastic dominance among k groups (Kruskal and Wallis, 1952). The interpretation of stochastic dominance requires an assumption that the CDF of one group does not cross the CDF of the other. 'dunn.test' makes k(k-1)/2 multiple pairwise comparisons based on Dunn's z-test-statistic approximations to the actual rank statistics. The null hypothesis for each pairwise comparison is that the probability of observing a randomly selected value from the first group that is larger than a randomly selected value from the second group equals one half; this null hypothesis corresponds to that of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney rank-sum test. Like the rank-sum test, if the data can be assumed to be continuous, and the distributions are assumed identical except for a difference in location, Dunn's test may be understood as a test for median difference. 'dunn.test' accounts for tied ranks. 2023-06-16
r-r.oo public Methods and classes for object-oriented programming in R with or without references. Large effort has been made on making definition of methods as simple as possible with a minimum of maintenance for package developers. The package has been developed since 2001 and is now considered very stable. This is a cross-platform package implemented in pure R that defines standard S3 classes without any tricks. 2023-06-16
r-statmod public No Summary 2023-06-16
r-matrixstats public High-performing functions operating on rows and columns of matrices, e.g. col / rowMedians(), col / rowRanks(), and col / rowSds(). Functions optimized per data type and for subsetted calculations such that both memory usage and processing time is minimized. There are also optimized vector-based methods, e.g. binMeans(), madDiff() and weightedMedians(). 2023-06-16

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