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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pyctv_taxonomy public pyctv_taxonomy: download and use the ICTV Virus Metadata Resource 2023-06-18
milonga public MiLongA - A snakemake workflow for Microbial Long-read Assembly 2023-06-18
drprg public Drug resistance prediction with reference graphs 2023-06-18
pepsirf public Peptide-based Serological Immune Response Framework 2023-06-18
bamstats public A command line tool to compute mapping statistics from a BAM file 2023-06-18
viralflye public viralFlye is a pipeline to recover high-quality viral genomes from long-read metagenomic sequencing. 2023-06-18
fastquast public Fast and simple Quality Assessment Tool for Large Genomes 2023-06-18
quicksnp public A python script to quickly build a Neighbor Joining tree using only a SNP distance matrix. 2023-06-18
read2tree public Building phylogenetic trees directly from sequencing reads 2023-06-18
pyham public A tool to analyse Hierarchical Orthologous Groups (HOGs) 2023-06-18
pastrami public Pastrami is a novel, scalable computational algorithm for rapid human ancestry estimation 2023-06-18
lja public La Jolla Assembler(LJA) - tool for genome assembly from PacBio HiFI reads based on de Bruijn graphs 2023-06-18
mindagap public Takes a single panorama image and fills the empty grid lines with neighbour-weighted values. 2023-06-18
ngsindex public Utilities for working with NGS index formats. 2023-06-18
baypass public Genome-Wide Scan for Adaptive Differentiation and Association Analysis with population-specific covariables. 2023-06-18
treeshrink public an algorithm for detecting (and removing) abnormally long branches in one or more phylogenetic trees 2023-06-18
contignet public ContigNet, a deep learning based phage-host interaction prediction tool 2023-06-18
proteomiqon-alignmentbasedquantification public Given an MS run in the mzLite or mzml format and a list of a list of peptides deduced by alignment, this tool iterates accross all and performs an XIC extration and quantification in similar to the PSMbasedQuantification tool. 2023-06-18
deltamsi public DeltaMSI: AI-based modeling of microsatellite instability scoring on NGS data 2023-06-18
libshorah public libshorah - Short Reads Assembly into Haplotypes 2023-06-18
imods public toolkit to perform Normal Mode Analysis (NMA) in internal coordinates (IC) on both protein and nucleic acid atomic structures. 2023-06-18
hmftools-rose public ROSE makes an actionability summary of the clinical relevant (for the Netherlands) genomic events and signatures as determined by the Hartwig pipeline. 2023-06-18
hmftools-protect public PROTECT determines the clinical evidence applicable for a particular tumor sample based on all genomic events and signatures that are determined by the Hartwig pipeline. 2023-06-18
phaser public phASEr performs haplotype phasing and provides measures of haplotypic expression for RNA based assays. 2023-06-18
metagem public Generate context specific genome-scale metabolic models and predict metabolic interactions directly from metagenomic data 2023-06-18
authentict public Estimates present-day DNA contamination in ancient DNA single-stranded libraries. 2023-06-18
netsyn public NetSyn is a tool to detect conserved genomic contexts (i.e. synteny conservation) among a list of protein targets. 2023-06-18
drtransformer public Heuristic cotranscriptional folding using the nearest neighbor energy model. 2023-06-18
hmnqc public Compute differents metrics about quality, check identity and coverage from high-throughput sequencing provided by targeted NGS 2023-06-18
barseqcount public Analysis of DNA barcode sequencing experiments 2023-06-18
dmbiolib public Library of Python functions for bioinformatics 2023-06-18
circle-map-cpp public Circle-Map-cpp is the C++ version of Circle-Map 2023-06-18
msmc2 public This program implements MSMC2, a method to infer population size history and population separation history from whole genome sequencing data 2023-06-18
nolb public NOn-Linear rigid Block NMA approach (NOLB) is a conceptually simple and computationally efficient method for non-linear normal mode analysis. 2023-06-18
binspreader public BinSPreader is a tool for improving existing binning using assembly graph and other sources of connectivity information 2023-06-18
goblin public Generate trusted prOteins to supplement BacteriaL annotatIoN 2023-06-18
hapsolo public An optimization approach for removing secondary haplotigs during diploid genome assembly and scaffolding. 2023-06-18
whokaryote public Classify metagenomic contigs as eukaryotic or prokaryotic 2023-06-18
mfold public Mfold web server for nucleic acid folding and hybridization prediction. 2023-06-18
gff2bed public Convert GFF3-formatted data to BED format 2023-06-18
purge-dups-runner public High Performance Cluster (HPC) runner. 2023-06-18
updio public UPDio is designed to identify uniparental disomy in probands of trio VCF data. 2023-06-18
proteomiqon-alignmentbasedquantstatistics public The tool ProteomIQon.AlignmentBasedQuantStatistics scores peptide ion quantifications obtained through alignment between runs. 2023-06-18
fastsimcoal2 public fast sequential markov coalescent simulation of genomic data under complex evolutionary models 2023-06-18
gapless public gapless assembly improvement tool 2023-06-18
pynteny public Multiple HMM - search via synteny structures in Python 2023-06-18
perl-bio-rna-barriers public Parse, query and manipulate output of Barriers 2023-06-18
perl-bio-rna-barmap public Parse and query BarMap mappings. 2023-06-18
perl-bio-rna-treekin public Classes for working with Treekin output. 2023-06-18
plmc public Inference of couplings in proteins and RNAs from sequence variation. 2023-06-18

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