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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
taxonkit public A Cross-platform and Efficient NCBI Taxonomy Toolkit 2024-11-02
csvtk public A cross-platform, efficient, practical CSV/TSV toolkit 2024-11-02
fgsv public Tools to find evidence for structural variation. 2024-11-02
fgbio public A set of tools for working with genomic and high throughput sequencing data, including UMIs 2024-11-02
lotus2 public LotuS2 is a lightweight complete 16S/18S/ITS pipeline 2024-11-02
fgbio-minimal public A set of tools for working with genomic and high throughput sequencing data, including UMIs 2024-11-02
phykit public PhyKIT is a UNIX shell toolkit for processing and analyzing phylogenomic data. 2024-10-31
tirmite public Map TIR-pHMM models to genomic sequences for annotation of MITES and complete DNA-Transposons. 2024-10-31
gatk4-spark public Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK4) 2024-10-31
gatk4 public Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK4) 2024-10-31
gcnvkernel public Python package to support GATK gCNV calling. 2024-10-31
spring public Spring is a compression tool for Fastq files 2024-10-30
r-recetox-aplcms public apLCMS is a software which generates a feature table from a batch of LC/MS spectra. A modified fork of the original apLCMS by Tianwei Yu. 2024-10-30
r-mfassignr public The MFAssignR package was designed for multi-element molecular formula (MF) assignment of ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry measurements. A number of tools for internal mass recalibration, MF assignment, signal-to-noise evaluation, and unambiguous formula selections are provided. 2024-10-30
ampd-up public De novo antimicrobial peptide sequence generation with recurrent neural networks 2024-10-30
doubletdetection public Method to detect and enable removal of doublets from single-cell RNA-sequencing. 2024-10-30
phenograph public Graph-based clustering for high-dimensional single-cell data. 2024-10-29
stxtyper public Accurately type both known and unknown Shiga toxin operons from assembled genomic sequence. 2024-10-29
pyscenic public Python implementation of the SCENIC pipeline for transcription factor inference from single-cell transcriptomics experiments. 2024-10-29
geosketch public Geometry-preserving random sampling. 2024-10-29
pbsv public pbsv - PacBio structural variant (SV) calling and analysis tools 2024-10-29
pbtk public pbtk - PacBio BAM toolkit 2024-10-29
pbmarkdup public pbmarkdup - Mark duplicate reads from PacBio sequencing of an amplified library 2024-10-29
tides-ml public Tool for ORF-calling and ORF-classification using ML approaches. 2024-10-29
pgscatalog-utils public Utilities for working with PGS Catalog API and scoring files 2024-10-29
flippyr public This package is designed to align a PLINK fileset with a FASTA reference genome. 2024-10-29
massdash public MassDash is a streamlined DIA mass spec visualization, analysis, optimization, and rapid prototyping. 2024-10-29
pgscatalog.core public Core tools for working with polygenic scores (PGS) and the PGS Catalog 2024-10-29
corneto public CORNETO: A Unified Framework for Omics-Driven Network Inference 2024-10-29
kaptive public Reports information about surface polysaccharide loci for Klebsiella pneumoniae species complex and Acinetobacter baumannii genome assemblies. 2024-10-28
altamisa public Alternative Python API for accessing ISA-tab files. 2024-10-28
dapcy public An sklearn implementation of discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) for population genetics. 2024-10-28
lima public lima - The PacBio Barcode Demultiplexer 2024-10-28
pbaa public PacBio tool to cluster HiFi reads and generate high quality consensus sequences 2024-10-28
hlafreq public Download and combine HLA frequency data from multiple studies. 2024-10-28
sopa public Spatial-omics pipeline and analysis. 2024-10-28
isoseq public Iso-Seq - Scalable De Novo Isoform Discovery 2024-10-28
pbskera public PacBio tool to split concatenated read designs 2024-10-28
masurca public MaSuRCA (Maryland Super-Read Celera Assembler) genome assembly software. MaSuRCA requires Illumina data, and supports third-generation PacBio/Nanopore MinION reads for hybrid assembly. 2024-10-28
shortstack public ShortStack: Comprehensive annotation and quantification of small RNA genes 2024-10-28
nanoqc public Create fastQC-like plots for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data. 2024-10-28
haystac public Species identification pipeline for both single species and metagenomic samples. 2024-10-26
strainy public Assembly-based metagenomic strain phasing using long reads 2024-10-26
fastqe public A emoji based bioinformatics command line tool. 2024-10-25
flexiformatter public Moving flexiplex barcode and UMI to bam tags 2024-10-25
biobb_flexdyn public Biobb_flexdyn is a BioBB category for studies on the conformational landscape of native proteins. 2024-10-25
blaze2 public Barcode identification from (Nanopore) Long reads for AnalyZing single-cell gene Expression. 2024-10-25
augustus public AUGUSTUS is a gene prediction program for eukaryotes written by Mario Stanke and Oliver Keller. It can be used as an ab initio program, which means it bases its prediction purely on the sequence. AUGUSTUS may also incorporate hints on the gene structure coming from extrinsic sources such as EST, MS/MS, protein alignments and synthenic genomic alignments. 2024-10-24
cytoscape public Cytoscape: an open source platform for network analysis and visualization. 2024-10-24
snippy public Rapid bacterial SNP calling and core genome alignments 2024-10-24

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