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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
ucsc-netsyntenic public Add synteny info to net. 2024-12-10
alignoth public A tool for creating alignment plots from bam files 2024-12-10
expressbetadiversity public Taxon- and phylogenetic-based beta diversity measures. 2024-12-10
r-gganatogram public Create anatogram images for different organisms 2024-12-10
cogtriangles public low-polynomial algorithm for assembling clusters of orthologous groups from intergenomic symmetric best matches 2024-12-10
perl-math-random public Random Number Generators 2024-12-10
gecko public A pairwise genome comparison software for the detection of High-scoring Segment Pairs 2024-12-10
cmappy public Assorted tools for interacting with .gct, .gctx, .grp, and .gmt files as well as other Connectivity Map (Broad Institute) data/tools 2024-12-10
linearpartition public Linear-Time Approximation of RNA Folding Partition Function and Base Pairing Probabilities 2024-12-10
virdig public A de novo transcriptome assembler for coronavirus. 2024-12-10
biobb_io public Biobb_io is the Biobb module collection to fetch data to be consumed by the rest of the Biobb building blocks. 2024-12-10
glimmerhmm public No Summary 2024-12-10
poa public POA is Partial Order Alignment, a fast program for multiple sequence alignment in bioinformatics. Its advantages are speed, scalability, sensitivity, and the superior ability to handle branching / indels in the alignment. 2024-12-10
blast-legacy public The Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) finds regions of local similarity between sequences. 2024-12-10
equirep public EquiRep is tool to identify tandem repeats. 2024-12-10
bwapy public Bwapy provides python wrappers for bwa. 2024-12-10
pyprophet public Python reimplementation of mProphet peak scoring 2024-12-10
consan public Pairwise RNA structural alignment, both unconstrained and constrained on alignment pins. 2024-12-10
prank public PRANK is a probabilistic multiple alignment program for DNA, codon and amino-acid sequences. 2024-12-10
parasail-python public Python bindings for the parasail C library containing implementations of pairwise sequence alignment algorithms. 2024-12-10
pyjess public Cython bindings and Python interface to JESS, a 3D template matching software. 2024-12-10
tinyalign public A small Python module providing edit distance and Hamming distance computation. 2024-12-10
genbank public Code to work with Genbank files 2024-12-10
hhsuite public HH-suite3 for fast remote homology detection and deep protein annotation 2024-12-10
taxonomy public Python and Rust library for loading, saving, and manipulating taxonomic trees 2024-12-10
pyseq-align public Python interface for the seq-align C library 2024-12-10
cgranges public cgranges is a small C library for genomic interval overlap queries 2024-12-10
reduce public Reduce - tool for adding and correcting hydrogens in PDB files 2024-12-10
svdb public structural variant database software 2024-12-10
odgi public An optimized dynamic genome/graph implementation. 2024-12-10
plinkio public A library for parsing plink genotype files 2024-12-10
sorted_nearest public Find nearest interval. 2024-12-10
pytriangle public A python interface to the 2D triangulation program TRIANGLE 2024-12-10
binchicken public Targeted recovery of low abundance metagenome assembled genomes through intelligent coassembly 2024-12-09
mdust public No Summary 2024-12-09
mmft public Max's minimal fasta toolkit 2024-12-09
gafpack public Convert alignments to pangenome variation graphs to coverage maps 2024-12-09
starfish public Standardized analysis pipeline for image-based transcriptomics. 2024-12-09
kinex public Kinex infers causal kinases from phosphoproteomics data. 2024-12-09
nanocomp public Comparing runs of Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments 2024-12-09
expam public Metagenomic profiling using a reference phylogeny 2024-12-09
voyager public Rapid and efficient mapping algorithm for long sequencing reads with insertion- and deletion errors. 2024-12-09
gfainject public Inject alignment into pangenome graphs 2024-12-08
pyskani public PyO3 bindings and Python interface to skani, a method for fast fast genomic identity calculation using sparse chaining. 2024-12-07
cblaster public Find clustered hits from a BLAST search. 2024-12-06
probconsrna public PROBCONSRNA is an experimental version of PROBCONS for nucleotide sequences 2024-12-06
probcons public PROBCONS is a probabilistic consistency-based multiple sequence alignment 2024-12-06
cgat-apps public Computational Genomics Analysis Toolkit. 2024-12-06
phylip public Package of programs for inferring phylogenies 2024-12-06
nordic public NORDic: a Network-Oriented package for the Repurposing of Drugs 2024-12-06

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