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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
esme_esmf_openmpi_4_1_6 public ESMF - Earth System Modeling Framework 2025-02-11
esme_hdf5_openmpi_4_1_6 public HDF5 - Hierarchical Data Format 5 2025-02-11
esme_omb_openmpi_4_1_6 public OSU Micro Benchmarks 2025-02-11
esme_pio_openmpi_4_1_6 public ParallelIO - High-level parallel I/O library 2025-02-11
esme_netcdf-c_openmpi_4_1_6 public NetCDF-C - netCDF interface for C 2025-02-11
kakscalculator2 public KaKs_Calculator2.0 calculates Ka and Ks. 2025-02-11
r-crbhits public CRBHits: From Conditional Reciprocal Best Hits to Codon Alignments and Ka/Ks in R. 2025-02-11
dagchainer public DAGchainer identifies syntenic regions. 2025-02-11
bioconductor-msa2dist public MSA2dist calculates pairwise distances between all sequences of a DNAStringSet or a AAStringSet using a custom score matrix and conducts codon based analysis 2025-02-11
mashtree public Create a tree using Mash distances 2025-02-11
perl-aceperl public Object-Oriented Access to ACEDB Databases 2025-02-11
esme_pnetcdf_mpich_4_2_3 public PnetCDF - Parallel netCDF 2025-02-11
esme_esmf_mpich_4_2_3 public ESMF - Earth System Modeling Framework 2025-02-11
esme_omb_mpich_4_2_3 public OSU Micro Benchmarks 2025-02-11
esme_mpich_4_2_3 public Earth System Modelling Environment (ESME) - A bundle for scientific computing packages for climate modelling with MPI support. 2025-02-11
esme_hdf5_mpich_4_2_3 public HDF5 - Hierarchical Data Format 5 2025-02-11
esme_pio_mpich_4_2_3 public ParallelIO - High-level parallel I/O library 2025-02-11
esme_netcdf-fortran_mpich_4_2_3 public NetCDF-Fortran - netCDF interface for Fortran 2025-02-11
esme_netcdf-c_mpich_4_2_3 public NetCDF-C - netCDF interface for C 2025-02-11
lollipop public A tool for Deconvolution for Wastewater Genomics 2025-02-11
tbl2asn-forever public tbl2asn is a program that automates the creation of sequence records for submission to GenBank 2025-02-11
fiji public Fiji is an image processing packageā€”a "batteries-included" distribution of ImageJ, bundling a lot of plugins which facilitate scientific image analysis. 2025-02-11
piler-cr public Identification and analysis of CRISPR repeats. 2025-02-11
pycomo public PyCoMo is a software package for generating and analysing compartmentalized community metabolic models. 2025-02-11
ena-upload-cli public Command Line Interface to upload data to the European Nucleotide Archive 2025-02-11
biobb_mem public Biobb_mem is the Biobb module for membrane structure analysis. 2025-02-11
pybigtools public pybigtools: Python bindings to the Bigtools Rust library for high-performance BigWig and BigBed I/O 2025-02-11
unicore public Universal and efficient core gene phylogeny with Foldseek and ProstT5 2025-02-11
paraphase public HiFi-based caller for highly homologous genes 2025-02-11
nanosim public NanoSim is a fast and scalable read simulator for Nanopore sequencing data. 2025-02-11
metabuli public Metabuli: specific and sensitive metagenomic classification via joint analysis of DNA and amino acid 2025-02-11
bigtools public Bigtools provides a high-level, performant API for reading and writing bigWig and bigBed files. 2025-02-10
raven-assembler public Raven is an assembler for raw reads generated by the third generation sequencing. 2025-02-10
peaks2utr public A robust, parallelized Python CLI for annotating three_prime_UTR 2025-02-10
sibeliaz public A fast whole-genome aligner based on de Bruijn graphs. 2025-02-10
libidn public No Summary 2025-02-10
maf2synteny public A tool that postprocesses whole genome alignment (for two or more genomes) and produces coarse-grained synteny blocks. 2025-02-10
ska2 public SKA (Split Kmer Analysis) version 2 2025-02-10
pydamage public Damage parameter estimation for ancient DNA. 2025-02-10
artic-porechop public Adapter removal and demultiplexing of Oxford Nanopore reads (fork of rrwick/Porechop) 2025-02-10
ctyper public Genotyping sequence-resolved copy-number variation using pangenomes. 2025-02-10
tmalign public TM-align sequence-order independent protein structure alignment. 2025-02-10
r-tidyheatmap public This is a tidy implementation for heatmap. At the moment it is based on the (great) package 'ComplexHeatmap'. The goal of this package is to interface a tidy data frame with this powerful tool. Some of the advantages are: Row and/or columns colour annotations are easy to integrate just specifying one parameter (column names). Custom grouping of rows is easy to specify providing a grouped tbl. For example: df %>% group_by(...). Labels size adjusted by row and column total number. Default use of Brewer and Viridis palettes. 2025-02-09
n50 public calculate N50 from FASTA/FASTQ files, producing both machine and human friendly outputs 2025-02-09
multiqc public Create aggregate bioinformatics analysis reports across many samples and tools. 2025-02-09
confindr public Detect intra- and inter-species bacterial contamination in NGS reads. 2025-02-07
trgt public Tandem repeat genotyping and visualization from PacBio HiFi data 2025-02-07
teloscope public A telomere annotation tools for genome assemblies 2025-02-07
varvamp public Variable VirusAMPlicons (varVAMP) is a tool to design primers for highly diverse viruses. 2025-02-07
defense-finder public Defense Finder: allow for a systematic search of all known anti-phage systems. 2025-02-07

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