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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-rqubic public Qualitative biclustering algorithm for expression data analysis in R 2024-12-18
r-acidbase public Low-level base functions imported by Acid Genomics packages. 2024-12-18
bioconductor-rnaseqsamplesizedata public RnaSeqSampleSizeData 2024-12-18
bioconductor-fishalyser public FISHalyseR a package for automated FISH quantification 2024-12-18
bioconductor-rots public Reproducibility-Optimized Test Statistic 2024-12-18
bioconductor-keggandmetacoredzpathwaysgeo public Disease Datasets from GEO 2024-12-18
bioconductor-synapsis public An R package to automate the analysis of double-strand break repair during meiosis 2024-12-18
molpopgen-analysis public Programs for the (pre-NGS-era) analysis of population-genetic data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-yeastcc public Spellman et al. (1998) and Pramila/Breeden (2006) yeast cell cycle microarray data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-tcgacrcmrna public TCGA CRC 450 mRNA dataset 2024-12-18
bioconductor-bugphyzz public A harmonized data resource and software for enrichment analysis of microbial physiologies 2024-12-18
bioconductor-bladderbatch public Bladder gene expression data illustrating batch effects 2024-12-18
bioconductor-snadata public Social Networks Analysis Data Examples 2024-12-18
bioconductor-copa public Functions to perform cancer outlier profile analysis. 2024-12-18
bioconductor-all public A data package 2024-12-18
bioconductor-leukemiaseset public Leukemia's microarray gene expression data (expressionSet). 2024-12-18
bioconductor-pedixplorer public Pedigree Functions 2024-12-18
bioconductor-hypergraph public A package providing hypergraph data structures 2024-12-18
bioconductor-prostatecancervarambally public Prostate Cancer Data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-rcyjs public Display and manipulate graphs in cytoscape.js 2024-12-18
bioconductor-mirnatarget public gene target tabale of miRNA for human/mouse used for MiRaGE package 2024-12-18
bioconductor-fabiadata public Data sets for FABIA (Factor Analysis for Bicluster Acquisition) 2024-12-18
bioconductor-lungexpression public ExpressionSets for Parmigiani et al., 2004 Clinical Cancer Research paper 2024-12-18
bioconductor-arrmnormalization public Adaptive Robust Regression normalization for Illumina methylation data 2024-12-18
bioconductor-rbioformats public R interface to Bio-Formats 2024-12-18
bioconductor-furrowseg public Furrow Segmentation 2024-12-18
bioconductor-rgraph2js public Convert a Graph into a D3js Script 2024-12-18
bioconductor-prostatecancertaylor public Prostate Cancer Data 2024-12-18
makehub public MakeHub is a command line tool for the fully automatic generation of of track data hubs for visualizing genomes with the UCSC genome browser. 2024-12-18
bioconductor-rcy3 public Functions to Access and Control Cytoscape 2024-12-18
bioconductor-chemminedrugs public An annotation package for use with ChemmineR. This package includes data from DrugBank. DUD data can be downloaded using the "DUD()" function in ChemmineR. 2024-12-18
bioconductor-keggdzpathwaysgeo public KEGG Disease Datasets from GEO 2024-12-18
bioconductor-donapllp2013 public Supplementary data package for Dona et al. (2013) containing example images and tables 2024-12-18
bioconductor-cancerdata public Development and validation of diagnostic tests from high-dimensional molecular data: Datasets 2024-12-18
bioconductor-rbcbook1 public Support for Springer monograph on Bioconductor 2024-12-18
chain2paf public convert CHAIN format to PAF format 2024-12-18
echidna public Mapping genotype to phenotype through joint probabilistic modeling of single-cell gene expression and chromosomal copy number variation. 2024-12-17
canu public Canu is a fork of the Celera Assembler designed for high-noise single-molecule sequencing. 2024-12-17
kcounter public A simple package for counting DNA k-mers in Python. Written in Rust. 2024-12-17
trimadap public Fast but inaccurate adapter trimmer for Illumina reads. 2024-12-17
btllib public Bioinformatics common code library in C++ with Python wrappers, from Bioinformatics Technology Lab 2024-12-17
alignstats public Comprehensive alignment, whole-genome coverage, and capture coverage statistics. 2024-12-17
flye public A fast and accurate de novo assembler for single molecule sequencing reads using repeat graphs. 2024-12-17
open-cravat public OpenCRAVAT - variant analysis toolkit 2024-12-17
evofr public Tools for evolutionary forecasting 2024-12-17
pywgsim public pywgsim 2024-12-17
r-whopgenome public Provides very fast access to whole genome, population scale variation data from VCF files and sequence data from FASTA-formatted files. It also reads in alignments from FASTA, Phylip, MAF and other file formats. Provides easy-to-use interfaces to genome annotation from UCSC and Bioconductor and gene ontology data from AmiGO and is capable to read, modify and write PLINK .PED-format pedigree files. 2024-12-17
mrbayes public Bayesian Inference of Phylogeny 2024-12-17
beagle-lib public general purpose library for evaluating the likelihood of sequence evolution on trees 2024-12-17
trycycler public Trycycler is a tool for generating consensus long-read assemblies for bacterial genomes 2024-12-17

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