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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-fdb.ucsc.snp135common.hg19 public makeFeatureDbFromUCSC cannot cope with this track, hence a package 2024-12-27
bioconductor-fdb.ucsc.snp137common.hg19 public makeFeatureDbFromUCSC cannot cope with this track, hence a package 2024-12-27
bioconductor-tcgautils public TCGA utility functions for data management 2024-12-27
bioconductor-txdb.ggallus.ucsc.galgal4.refgene public Annotation package for TxDb object(s) 2024-12-27
bioconductor-txdb.dmelanogaster.ucsc.dm3.ensgene public Exposes an annotation databases generated from UCSC by exposing these as TxDb objects 2024-12-27
bioconductor-annotationhubdata public Transform public data resources into Bioconductor Data Structures 2024-12-27
bioconductor-txdb.mmulatta.ucsc.rhemac3.refgene public Annotation package for TxDb object(s) 2024-12-27
bioconductor-txdb.hsapiens.ucsc.hg38.knowngene public Annotation package for TxDb object(s) 2024-12-27
bioconductor-txdb.hsapiens.ucsc.hg19.knowngene public Exposes an annotation databases generated from UCSC by exposing these as TxDb objects 2024-12-27
bioconductor-txdb.rnorvegicus.biomart.igis public Exposes an annotation databases generated from BioMart by exposing these as TxDb objects 2024-12-27
bioconductor-txdb.sscrofa.ucsc.susscr11.refgene public Annotation package for TxDb object(s) 2024-12-27
bioconductor-txdb.hsapiens.ucsc.hg18.knowngene public Exposes an annotation databases generated from UCSC by exposing these as TxDb objects 2024-12-27
ribowaltz public Calculation of optimal P-site offsets, diagnostic analysis and visual inspection of ribosome profiling data. 2024-12-27
bioconductor-txdb.celegans.ucsc.ce11.ensgene public Annotation package for TxDb object(s) 2024-12-27
bioconductor-txdb.celegans.ucsc.ce11.refgene public Exposes an annotation databases generated from UCSC by exposing these as TxDb objects 2024-12-27
bioconductor-healthycontrolspresencechecker public Dowloads A Gene Expression Dataset From GEO And Checks If It Contains Data Of Healthy Controls Or Not 2024-12-27
bioconductor-biocgraph public Graph examples and use cases in Bioinformatics 2024-12-27
bioconductor-hiiragi2013 public Cell-to-cell expression variability followed by signal reinforcement progressively segregates early mouse lineages 2024-12-27
bioconductor-hd2013sgi public Mapping genetic interactions in human cancer cells with RNAi and multiparametric phenotyping 2024-12-27
bioconductor-aucell public AUCell: Analysis of 'gene set' activity in single-cell RNA-seq data (e.g. identify cells with specific gene signatures) 2024-12-27
bioconductor-sctgif public Cell type annotation for unannotated single-cell RNA-Seq data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-mogsa public Multiple omics data integrative clustering and gene set analysis 2024-12-27
bioconductor-biocor public Functional similarities 2024-12-27
bioconductor-agdex public Agreement of Differential Expression Analysis 2024-12-27
bioconductor-npgsea public Permutation approximation methods for gene set enrichment analysis (non-permutation GSEA) 2024-12-27
bioconductor-category public Category Analysis 2024-12-27
bioconductor-tmsig public Tools for Molecular Signatures 2024-12-27
bioconductor-promise public PRojection Onto the Most Interesting Statistical Evidence 2024-12-27
bioconductor-singscore public Rank-based single-sample gene set scoring method 2024-12-27
bioconductor-bicare public Biclustering Analysis and Results Exploration 2024-12-27
bioconductor-cosmosr public COSMOS (Causal Oriented Search of Multi-Omic Space) 2024-12-27
bioconductor-gsri public Gene Set Regulation Index 2024-12-27
bioconductor-cepo public Cepo for the identification of differentially stable genes 2024-12-27
bioconductor-gsvadata public Data employed in the vignette of the GSVA package 2024-12-27
bioconductor-splinetimer public Time-course differential gene expression data analysis using spline regression models followed by gene association network reconstruction 2024-12-27
bioconductor-tissueenrich public Tissue-specific gene enrichment analysis 2024-12-27
bioconductor-slalom public Factorial Latent Variable Modeling of Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-gep2pep public Creation and Analysis of Pathway Expression Profiles (PEPs) 2024-12-27
bioconductor-netsmooth public Network smoothing for scRNAseq 2024-12-27
bioconductor-sparrow public Take command of set enrichment analyses through a unified interface 2024-12-27
bioconductor-mlinterfaces public Uniform interfaces to R machine learning procedures for data in Bioconductor containers 2024-12-27
bioconductor-protgear public Protein Micro Array Data Management and Interactive Visualization 2024-12-27
bioconductor-covrna public Multivariate Analysis of Transcriptomic Data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-genemeta public MetaAnalysis for High Throughput Experiments 2024-12-27
bioconductor-ihwpaper public Reproduce figures in IHW paper 2024-12-27
bioconductor-peca public Probe-level Expression Change Averaging 2024-12-27
bioconductor-tilingarray public Transcript mapping with high-density oligonucleotide tiling arrays 2024-12-27
bioconductor-classifyr public A framework for cross-validated classification problems, with applications to differential variability and differential distribution testing 2024-12-27
r-sartools public Statistical Analysis of RNA-Seq data 2024-12-27
bioconductor-cntools public Convert segment data into a region by sample matrix to allow for other high level computational analyses. 2024-12-27

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