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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
age-metasv public optimal alignment of sequences with structural variants (SVs), modifiied for MetaSV integration 2024-12-13
raxml public Phylogenetics - Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood. 2024-12-13
ucsc-paranodestatus public version 12.18 2024-12-13
weeder public No Summary 2024-12-13
easel public Easel is an ANSI C code library for computational analysis of biological sequences using probabilistic models. 2024-12-13
ucsc-pslpartition public split PSL files into non-overlapping sets 2024-12-13
snap-aligner public Scalable Nucleotide Alignment Program -- a fast and accurate read aligner for high-throughput sequencing data 2024-12-13
slow5curl public Tool for accessing remote BLOW5 files. 2024-12-13
pegasusio public PegasusIO is the IO package for Pegasus. 2024-12-13
perl-dbd-pg public DBI PostgreSQL interface 2024-12-13
bmfilter public bmfilter is part of BMTagger aka Best Match Tagger, for removing human reads from metagenomics datasets 2024-12-13
ucsc-lavtoaxt public Convert blastz lav file to an axt file (which includes sequence) 2024-12-13
dart public Dart: a fast and accurate RNA-seq mapper 2024-12-13
pairsnp public pairsnp calculates pairwise SNP distance matrices from multiple sequence alignment fasta files. 2024-12-13
msisensor2 public MSIsensor2 is a novel algorithm based machine learning, featuring a large upgrade in the microsatellite instability (MSI) detection for tumor only sequencing data, including Cell-Free DNA (cfDNA), Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded(FFPE) and other sample types. 2024-12-13
bedtools public A powerful toolset for genome arithmetic 2024-12-13
gctb public GCTB (Genome-wide Complex Trait Bayesian ) is a software tool that comprises a family of Bayesian linear mixed models for complex trait analyses using genome-wide SNPs. 2024-12-13
aster public Accurate Species Tree EstimatoR series; a family of optimation algorithms for species tree inference implemented in C++ 2024-12-13
ucsc-ixixx public Create indices for simple line-oriented file of format 2024-12-13
splitp public splitp is a streaming read pre-preprocessor. 2024-12-13
perl-io-compress public IO Interface to compressed data files/buffers 2024-12-13
ucsc-newpythonprog public Make a skeleton for a new python program 2024-12-13
flexbar public Flexible barcode and adapter removal 2024-12-13
ucsc-maftopsl public Convert maf to psl format 2024-12-13
quicksect public A cythonized, extended version of the interval search tree in bx 2024-12-13
ucsc-bedrestricttopositions public Filter bed file, restricting to only ones that match chrom/start/ends specified in restrict.bed file. 2024-12-13
centrifuge public Classifier for metagenomic sequences. Supports classifier scripts 2024-12-13
minimap2-coverage public A versatile pairwise aligner for genomic and spliced nucleotide sequences modified for use by LongQC 2024-12-13
pbgzip public Parallel Block GZIP 2024-12-13
r-scimpute public scImpute is accurate and robust imputation of single-cell RNA sequencing data. 2024-12-13
ucsc-qatoqac public convert from uncompressed to compressed 2024-12-13
r-lisi public This method was designed to assess how well mixed cells with different labels are in single cell RNAseq. This method uses the Inverse Simpson's Index to compute diversity of each cell's local neighborhood. 2024-12-13
ucsc-genepredfilter public filter a genePred file 2024-12-13
me-pcr public Multithreaded Electronic PCR (in-silico PCR) based on NCBI e-PCR. 2024-12-13
mbgc public A tool for compressing collection of genomes in FASTA format 2024-12-13
bedtk public Bedtk is a set of simple tools to process BED files. 2024-12-13
dnp-diprofile public Dinucleotide frequency of occurrence in a batch of fasta sequences 2024-12-13
bfc public BFC is a standalone high-performance tool for correcting sequencing errors from Illumina sequencing data. 2024-12-13
ucsc-hggcpercent public Calculate GC Percentage in 20kb windows 2024-12-13
ucsc-parafetch public try to fetch url with multiple connections 2024-12-13
ucsc-gmtime public convert unix timestamp to date string 2024-12-13
ucsc-subcolumn public Substitute one column in a tab-separated file. 2024-12-13
flexiplex public flexiplex: the flexible demultiplexer 2024-12-13
ucsc-farandomize public Program to create random fasta records 2024-12-13
ucsc-pslpretty public Convert PSL to human-readable output 2024-12-13
perl-crypt-openssl-random public No Summary 2024-12-13
razers3 public RazerS 3 - Faster, fully sensitive read mapping 2024-12-13
bamtools public C++ API & command-line toolkit for working with BAM data 2024-12-13
ucsc-bedtopsl public convert bed format files to psl format 2024-12-13
ucsc-subchar public Substitute one character for another throughout a file. 2024-12-13

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