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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
marker-magu public Marker-MAGu: Trans-Kingdom Marker Gene Pipeline for Taxonomic Profiling of Human Metagenomes 2023-09-17
constax public A software for accurate taxonomic classification of environmental DNA markers 2023-09-17
aminoextract public AminoExtract is an application to extract aminoacid sequences from a fasta file based on a GFF. 2023-09-12
pbiotools public Miscellaneous bioinformatics and other supporting utilities for Python 3 2023-09-12
rsrq public A minimal Redis-backed queue system. 2023-09-12
mokapot public Fast and flexible semi-supervised learning for peptide detection 2023-09-12
isatools public Metadata tracking tools help to manage an increasingly diverse set of life science, environmental and biomedical experiments 2023-09-12
aligncov public Obtain tidy alignment coverage info from sorted BAM files 2023-09-11
gentle public Software suite for DNA cloning 2023-09-11
mgcod public Recognition of genetic codes (incl. multiple genetic codes in phage genomes) and genetic-code-informed annotation of coding regions in prokaryotic sequences 2023-09-11
r-mytai public Investigate the evolution of biological processes by capturing evolutionary signatures in transcriptomes (Drost et al. (2017) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btx835>). The aim of this tool is to provide a transcriptome analysis environment to quantify the average evolutionary age of genes contributing to a transcriptome of interest (Drost et al. (2016) <doi:10.1101/051565>). 2023-09-10
microbecensus public A command-line tool for estimating average genome size from shotgun sequence data 2023-09-10
trinotate public Trinotate is a comprehensive annotation suite designed for automatic functional annotation of transcriptomes, particularly de novo assembled transcriptomes, from model or non-model organisms 2023-09-09
varscan public variant detection in massively parallel sequencing data 2023-09-09
emblmygff3 public An efficient way to convert gff3 annotation files into EMBL format ready to submit. 2023-09-08
finestructure public fineSTRUCTURE is a fast and powerful algorithm for identifying population structure using dense sequencing data. 2023-09-08
cmsearch_tblout_deoverlap public cmsearch-deoverlap.pl: remove lower scoring overlaps from cmsearch 2023-09-07
sam-algorithm public The Self-Assembling-Manifold algorithm 2023-09-07
isoncorrect public De novo error-correction of long-read transcriptome reads. 2023-09-06
taxtastic public Tools for taxonomic naming and annotation 2023-09-06
rich-msa public A Rich renderable for viewing Multiple Sequence Alignments in the terminal. 2023-09-06
cytosnake public Orchestrating high-dimensional cell morphology data processing pipelines 2023-09-06
gromacs_py public Gromacs_py is a python library allowing a simplified use of the gromacs MD simulation software. 2023-09-06
dr-disco public Dr. Disco: fusion gene and genomic breakpoint detection in random hexamer RNA-seq data 2023-09-06
python-nextflow public Python module to run Nextflow pipelines 2023-09-06
scorpio public Serious constellations of reoccurring phylogenetically-independent origin 2023-09-05
pywfa public A python wrapper for wavefront alignment using WFA2-lib 2023-09-05
asqcan public A combined pipeline for bacterial genome assembly, quality control and annotation 2023-09-05
modlamp public python package for in silico peptide design and QSAR studies 2023-09-04
digestiflow-demux public Digestiflow Command Line Client. 2023-09-04
refgenieserver public This server provides both a web interface and a RESTful API. Users may explore and download archived indexes from the web interface or develop tools that programmatically query the API. 2023-09-04
multivelo public Multi-omic extension of single-cell RNA velocity 2023-09-03
mhcgnomes public Python library for parsing MHC nomenclature in the wild 2023-09-03
sfs public CLI tool for site frequency spectra. 2023-09-01
quantiprot public Quantiprot is a Python package for quantitative analysis of protein sequences 2023-09-01
decoupler public Ensemble of methods to infer biological activities from omics data 2023-08-31
noah-cli public a project management tool for reproducible, portable, and streamlined bioinformatics analysis 2023-08-30
metasnek public Misc functions for metagenomics pipelines 2023-08-30
efishent public A tool to design RNA FISH oligos/probes 2023-08-29
pileuppy public Colorful and fast tool designed to draw alignment pileup. 2023-08-29
massiveqc public Tools for QC massive RNA-seq samples 2023-08-29
bioinfokit public The bioinfokit toolkit aimed to provide various easy-to-use functionalities to analyze, visualize, and interpret the biological data generated from genome-scale omics experiments. 2023-08-28
geno2phenotb public Prediction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug resistance from WGS data 2023-08-26
happy-python public Haploidy and Size Completeness Estimation with Python 2023-08-26
dnamarkmaker public DNAMarkMaker: pipeline to development ARMS and CAPS marker 2023-08-26
mtbseq public Pipeline for WGS analysis of M. tuberculosis 2023-08-24
binny public An automated binning algorithm to recover high-quality genomes from complex metagenomic datasets. Note: This is a development version. 2023-08-22
kmd_hmdb_api_client public The KMD HMDB project API Client 2023-08-22
ipapy2 public Integrated Probabilistic Annotation (IPA) 2.0 - Python implementation 2023-08-21
mapdamage2 public mapDamage: tracking and quantifying damage patterns in ancient DNA sequences http://geogenetics.ku.dk/all_literature/mapdamage/ 2023-08-17

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