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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
cofold public An RNA secondary structure prediction method that takes co-transcriptional folding into account. 2024-12-12
nmrglue public A module for working with NMR data in Python 2024-12-12
maxit public MAXIT assists in the processing and curation of macromolecular structure data. 2024-12-12
abpoa public abPOA: fast SIMD-based partial order alignment using adaptive band 2024-12-12
trf public Tandem Repeats Finder is a program to locate and display tandem repeats in DNA sequences. 2024-12-12
ucsc-countchars public Count the number of occurrences of a particular char 2024-12-12
vcftools public A set of tools written in Perl and C++ for working with VCF files. This package only contains the C++ libraries whereas the package perl-vcftools-vcf contains the perl libraries 2024-12-12
seqtk public Seqtk is a fast and lightweight tool for processing sequences in the FASTA or FASTQ format 2024-12-12
ninja-nj public Nearly Infinite Neighbor Joining Application 2024-12-12
glnexus public scalable gVCF merging and joint variant calling for population sequencing projects. 2024-12-12
scssim public A bioinformatics tool for simulating single-cell genome sequencing data 2024-12-12
pbsim3 public A simulator for all types of Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) long reads 2024-12-12
ucsc-wordline public chop up words by white space and output them with one 2024-12-12
sdust public Symmetric DUST for finding low-complexity regions in DNA sequences. 2024-12-12
haploflow public Strain-aware viral genome assembler for short read sequence data 2024-12-12
mapcaller public MapCaller: combined short-read mapper and variant caller 2024-12-12
ucsc-netsplit public Split a genome net file into chromosome net files 2024-12-12
ucsc-qacagplift public Use AGP to combine per-scaffold qac into per-chrom qac. 2024-12-12
fqgrep public Search a pair of fastq files for reads that match a given ref or alt sequence 2024-12-12
mergenotcombined public Merge Forward and reverse reads from fastq files 2024-12-12
bamhash public No Summary 2024-12-12
ucsc-faalign public Align two fasta files 2024-12-12
evidencemodeler public Evidence Modeler combines ab intio gene predictions, protein alignments, and transcript alignments into weighted consensus gene structures 2024-12-12
booster public BOOSTER is a new way of computing bootstrap supports in large phylogenies. 2024-12-12
rustynuc public Quick analysis of pileups for likely 8-oxoG locations 2024-12-12
assemblyutility public No Summary 2024-12-12
smoothxg public Local reconstruction of variation graphs using partial order alignment 2024-12-12
vcfbub public Popping bubbles in vg deconstruct VCFs 2024-12-12
ucsc-pslsortacc public Remove chain-breaking alignments from chains that break nested chains. 2024-12-12
python-hyphy-python public HyPhy package interface library 2024-12-12
fastsimbac public Models bacterial recombination 2024-12-12
selam public Simulation of Epistasis Local adaptation, with Ancestry and Mate choice 2024-12-12
ucsc-catdir public concatenate files in directory to stdout. 2024-12-12
methbat public A battery of methylation tools for PacBio HiFi reads 2024-12-12
ucsc-fatotab public convert fa file to tab separated file 2024-12-12
ucsc-getrnapred public Get virtual RNA for gene predictions 2024-12-12
aprfinder public Tool for finding aphased repeats. 2024-12-12
r-loom public An interface for the single-cell RNAseq-oriented loom format. Loom files are an HDF5-based format for storing and interacting with large single-cell RNAseq datasets. loomR provides an interface for working with loom files in a loom-specific way; we provide routines for validating loom files, iterating with chunks through data within the loom file, and provide a platform for other packages to build support for loom files. 2024-12-12
ucsc-mafsplit public Split multiple alignment files 2024-12-12
snp-dists public Convert a FASTA alignment to SNP distance matrix 2024-12-12
aragorn public ARAGORN, tRNA (and tmRNA) detection 2024-12-12
rmath4 public standalone Rmath library from R 2024-12-12
mappy public Minimap2 Python binding 2024-12-12
ucsc-pslmap public map PSLs alignments to new targets using alignments of 2024-12-12
pin_hic public A Hi-C scaffolding method 2024-12-12
ucsc-psltobed public transform a psl format file to a bed format file. 2024-12-12
r-soap-nmr public No Summary 2024-12-12
ucsc-crtreeindexbed public Create an index for a bed file. 2024-12-12
mlrho public Takes as input a file with assembled reads from a single diploid individual and returns maximum likelihood estimates of the population mutation rate, , the sequencing error , the zygosity correlation, and the population recombination rate. 2024-12-12
ucsc-bedgeneparts public Given a bed, spit out promoter, first exon, or all introns. 2024-12-12

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