
No Description

Uploaded Thu Apr 26 00:42:04 2018
md5 checksum 8a77e94a55913dd984d8ca7e159c2bd1
arch x86_64
build r3.4.1_0
depends bioconductor-complexheatmap, bioconductor-rankprod, r-base 3.4.1*, r-biclust, r-class, r-cluster, r-fmsb, r-gplots, r-gridgraphics, r-kernsmooth, r-lattice, r-mass, r-mclust, r-moments, r-nnet
license free for non-commercial users. Non-academic users MUST have requested from the author
license_family OTHER
machine x86_64
operatingsystem darwin
platform osx
subdir osx-64
target-triplet x86_64-any-darwin