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auto / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
fabutil None http://emilloer.com 2023-06-16
pysite None UNKNOWN 2023-06-16
django-postgres-pebble None First-class Postgres feature support for the Django ORM. (Pebble Branch) 2023-06-16
django-mxit None Simple helpers for writing Mxit apps with Django 2023-06-16
django-mptt-tree-editor None Provides FeinCMS's mptt admin tree editor as a separate app 2023-06-16
django-mapped-fields None Form fields to make it easier to map CSV or JSON files to your own models 2023-06-16
django-lit None UNKNOWN 2023-06-16
django-cached-field None Celery-deferred, cached fields on Django ORM for expensive-to-calculate data 2023-06-16
devicewrapper None UNKNOWN 2023-06-16
dbgp None a python debug server that is complient with DBGP 2023-06-16
contexture None Magic Automatic Logging Context 2023-06-16
django-tastypie-mongoengine None MongoEngine support for django-tastypie. 2023-06-16
django-drift None http://github.com/monokrome/django-drift 2023-06-16
precursor None Compute minimal metabolic precursors sets that enable the production of target metabolites. 2023-06-16
django-profiling-dashboard None https://github.com/kmike/django-profiling-dashboard 2023-06-16
excalibur None A tool to manage plugins 2023-06-16
django-nsa None An easy way for the NSA to see what's going on in our Django projects. 2023-06-16
django-ngrams None UNKNOWN 2023-06-16
django-nap None A light REST tool for Django 2023-06-16
django-mptt-urls None Django app for creating hierarchical URLs associated with django-MPTT models. 2023-06-16
django-forms-ext None Extensions for Django's Forms. 2023-06-16
django_dirty_bits None Dirty bits checking for Django models 2023-06-16
django-colorfield None A small app providing a colorpicker field for django 2023-06-16
djangocms-highlightjs None highlight.js plugin for django CMS 3.0 2023-06-16
django-cbvpatterns None A better patterns() for classbased views 2023-06-16
django-bower None Integrate django with bower 2023-06-16
django-boto None Wrapper of boto package for django 2023-06-16
django-ace None django-ace provides integration for ajax.org ACE with Django 2023-06-16
django-absolute None Absolute URLs tools for django 2023-06-16
django-openstack None A Django interface for OpenStack. 2023-06-16
django-nose None Makes your Django tests simple and snappy 2023-06-16
django-nginx-ssi None Django SSI library for use with Nginx 2023-06-16
django-moneybookers None UNKNOWN 2023-06-16
django-fancy-apps None Django Fancy Apps 2023-06-16
django-daterange-filter None Allow to filter by a custom date range on the Django Admin 2023-06-16
rstview None Simple Django application to parse content with ReStructuredText from docutils 2023-06-16
django-awesome-snippets None A decorator to generate and cache html snippets 2023-06-16
django-activation None Simple activation of users. 2023-06-16
dhclientlist None DHClientList is a tool to get the current client list of a DHCP server. With it one can check who is connected to the local network. To do this one must provide the DHCP server address (IP in local network and port), username and password. The resulting list items contains the host name, MAC address, IP and lease time. 2023-06-16
decorated None https://github.com/CooledCoffee/decorated/ 2023-06-16
dare None Dynamic Application Runtime Environment 2023-06-16
configs None Configuration for humans 2023-06-16
randomwords None https://github.com/tomislater/RandomWords 2023-06-16
django-mssql None https://bitbucket.org/Manfre/django-mssql 2023-06-16
django-monkey-team None Django middleware that displays debug tracebacks on production sites (where you would have `DEBUG = False`) only to developers. 2023-06-16
django-mongo-storage None A mongo GridFS storage backend for django. 2023-06-16
django-mongo-sessions None mongodb as Django sessions backend 2023-06-16
django-denormalize None Converts Django ORM objects into data documents, and keeps them in sync 2023-06-16
django-aloha-edit None Django Aloha Edit 2023-06-16
django-accounts-cbv None Account login, logout, and password reset. 2023-06-16

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