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auto / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
dropbox_backup None Create backup from your server and send them to dropbox 2023-06-16
collective.sendaspdf None An open source product for Plone to download or email a page seen by the user as a PDF file. 2023-06-16
prettyexc None Make any exception human readable in easy way. 2023-06-16
nanotime None nanotime python implementation 2023-06-16
mixcoatl None https://github.com/enStratus/mixcoatl 2023-06-16
humanize None http://github.com/jmoiron/humanize 2023-06-16
ec2-simple-snapshot None A tool to make EC2 snapshot manipulation easier. 2023-06-16
dropbox-cli None cli to manage your dropbox account 2023-06-16
election_parser None http://github.com/adamdeprince/election_parser 2023-06-16
endpoints None http://github.com/firsopinion/endpoints 2023-06-16
embeder None Retrieves useful information about a link. 2023-06-16
elasticsearch-curator None Tending your time-series indices in Elasticsearch 2023-06-16
edition1.twitterportletfix None Quick fix for collective.twitterportlet for Twitter API v1.1 2023-06-16
clicore None cli core library for python 2023-06-16
drmaa None a python DRMAA library 2023-06-16
drench None https://github.com/jefflovejapan/drench 2023-06-16
doto None Python Interface to Digital Ocean 2023-06-16
etcpy None http://code.pocketnix.org/etcpy/file/tip 2023-06-16
errbit None An errbit client for python 2023-06-16
eadator None EAD2002 (DTD or XSD) universal validator 2023-06-16
emencia-django-socialaggregator None Django app for aggregate some feeds from social networks. 2023-06-16
elasticutils None Chainable interface to querying Elasticsearch 2023-06-16
eea.epub None Publish Plone content in epub form 2023-06-16
collective.twitterportlet None A Twitter portlet for Plone. 2023-06-16
edeposit.amqp.serializers None E-Deposit's AMQP definitions and common classes/patterns. 2023-06-16
dweepy None Dweepy is a Python client for dweet.io 2023-06-16
dropbox None Official Dropbox REST API Client 2023-06-16
erppeek None Versatile tool for browsing OpenERP data 2023-06-16
dose None An automated semaphore GUI showing the state in\ntest driven development (TDD), mainly written for dojos. 2023-06-16
pyflakes None passive checker of Python programs 2023-06-16
ec2audit None Dump all EC2 information to a folder suitable for version control 2023-06-16
etherpad_lite None http://changaco.net/gitweb/?p=python-etherpad_lite.git 2023-06-16
ego-boost None Package to track your module's download statistics 2023-06-16
elasticstack None Configurable indexing and other extras for Haystack (with ElasticSearch biases) 2023-06-16
ethiopian_date None http://github.com/rgaudin/tools 2023-06-16
elasticpy None Python Wrapper for elasticsearch 2023-06-16
durian None http://github.com/ask/durian/ 2023-06-16
drugs None Utility to operate with tab separated files 2023-06-16
droopy None Little library for text analysis 2023-06-16
dwhois None https://github.com/hstern/dwhois 2023-06-16
dustbowl None http://pacopablo.github.com/dustbowl 2023-06-16
dribbble None An easy-to-use Python wrapper for the Dribbble API. 2023-06-16
dynamodict None A simple ORM that maps DynamoDB Tables to native python dicts 2023-06-16
dsb None DSB gives you what Django should have. For your website to run, you need Survival Basics. 2023-06-16
zope.testbrowser None Programmable browser for functional black-box tests 2023-06-16
draugiem None Python wrapper for draugiem.lv API 2023-06-16
dyncomlogin None log in to dyn.com 2023-06-16
djungle-pegjs None PEG.js as Django app. 2023-06-16
djungle-less None LESS for Django 2023-06-16
djungle-backbone None Backbone.js as Django app. 2023-06-16

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