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auto / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pybloomfiltermmap None http://github.com/axiak/pybloomfiltermmap/ 2023-06-16
pybbcode None http://github.com/pydsigner/pybbcode 2023-06-16
pygenius None UNKNOWN 2023-06-16
pyfluidsynth None http://pyfluidsynth.googlecode.com/ 2023-06-16
pyfinger None http://packages.python.org/pyfinger 2023-06-16
pyfatcache None https://github.com/panuph/pyfatcache 2023-06-16
pyf.warehouse None http://pyfproject.org 2023-06-16
pyf.dataflow None http://pyfproject.org 2023-06-16
pyextdirect None https://github.com/Diaoul/pyextdirect 2023-06-16
pyentity None http://github.com/louissobel/py-entity 2023-06-16
py_email_yak None https://github.com/caffinatedmonkey/py-emailyak 2023-06-16
pydruid None http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pydruid/ 2023-06-16
pydbcli None http://github.com/1stvamp/pyDBCLI 2023-06-16
chesstools None http://www.mariobalibrera.com/mics 2023-06-16
celery_tasks_ctl None Celery Tasks Controller to list and revoke tasks 2023-06-16
cassandrajsonmapper None Simple JSON to Cassandra Python client. 2023-06-16
brining None Python object to/from JSON serialization/deserialization module 2023-06-16
bfab None https://github.com/balanced/bfab 2023-06-16
beizer None Illustration of Boris Beizer's algorithm 2023-06-16
bedserver None A fast and simple bedfile server 2023-06-16
bearcart None Python Pandas + Rickshaw.js = BearCart 2023-06-16
bdist_venv None Python distutils extension to bundle package as a virtualenv. 2023-06-16
azkaban None AzkabanCLI 2023-06-16
attendly None UNKNOWN 2023-06-16
atreal.cmfeditions.unlocker None http://www.atreal.net 2023-06-16
atomgen None https://github.com/erasmose/atomgen 2023-06-16
astroml None tools for machine learning and data mining in Astronomy 2023-06-16
kitchen None https://fedorahosted.org/kitchen 2023-06-16
asciipr0n None UNKNOWN 2023-06-16
asana None http://github.com/pandemicsyn/asana 2023-06-16
armstrong.templates.standard None UNKNOWN 2023-06-16
armstrong.apps.crm None Mechanism for hooking up a CRM to Armstrong 2023-06-16
armory None http://packages.python.org/armory 2023-06-16
pycolorterm None https://github.com/dnmellen/pycolorterm 2023-06-16
pybcs None http://yun.baidu.com/ 2023-06-16
py-applescript None UNKNOWN 2023-06-16
pygcm None https://github.com/daftshady/py-gcm 2023-06-16
pyfortune None https://github.com/xiaomao5/pyfortune 2023-06-16
pyflogd None https://github.com/mkzero/pyflogd 2023-06-16
pyexpression None https://github.com/shomah4a/pyexpression 2023-06-16
pyenest None http://www.github.com/eae 2023-06-16
pyembed-jinja2 None http://pyembed.github.io 2023-06-16
pyelasticsearch None Flexible, high-scale API to elasticsearch 2023-06-16
pydomain None http://www.piadu.com 2023-06-16
pydarner None https://github.com/siqueries/pydarner 2023-06-16
ceph-deploy None https://github.com/ceph/ceph-deploy 2023-06-16
cent None https://github.com/FZambia/cent 2023-06-16
cctrl None https://www.cloudcontrol.com 2023-06-16
ccbupgrade None Converts CocosBuilder 3 files to the SpriteBuilder 1.0 format. 2023-06-16
cartodb_dashboard None Provides access to the cartodb dashboard 2023-06-16

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