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auto / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
django-yaccounts None Accounts app. 2025-03-25
django-yutils None Collection of utilities for Django 2025-03-25
django-yacaptcha None Simple captcha with Yandex API. 2025-03-25
django-yaba None Yet Another Blog Application 2025-03-25
django-xworkflows None A django app enabling Django models to use xworkflows. 2025-03-25
xworkflows None A library implementing workflows (or state machines) for Python projects. 2025-03-25
django-xstatic None Django helpers to use XStatic packages in Django projects 2025-03-25
django-xls2po None django-xls2po is a django management command to convert django-po2xls generated .xls files to .po files 2025-03-25
django-xhtml2pdf None A Django app to generate pdfs from templates 2025-03-25
django-xadmin None Drop-in replacement of Django admin comes with lots of goodies, fully extensible with plugin support, pretty UI based on Twitter Bootstrap. 2025-03-25
djangowsgiconfig None a buildout recipe to create apache vhost config based on djangorecipe settings 2025-03-25
django-wordpress-rss None A Django template tag for integrating Wordpress articles. 2025-03-25
feedparser None Universal feed parser, handles RSS 0.9x, RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, CDF, Atom 0.3, and Atom 1.0 feeds 2025-03-25
django-wkhtmltopdf None Converts html to PDF using http://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/. 2025-03-25
django-wizard None A wizard that helps to control page flow. 2025-03-25
django-winds None A tool to collect and serve wind prediction data. 2025-03-25
django-werewolf None Item publishing workflow for Django. 2025-03-25
django-web-utils None Django helpers for working with the web. 2025-03-25
django-websocket-request None Support for Django's request/response lifecycle to automatically handle WebSocket messages. 2025-03-25
django-websettings None Django application to provide a web interface to set a yet another django's settings 2025-03-25
django-webodt None ODF template handler and odt to html, pdf, doc, etc converter 2025-03-25
django-webnodes None Re-usable bussiness components, modular units on a page 2025-03-25
django-webmaster-verification None Webmaster tools verification for Django 2025-03-25
django-weblog None A Django weblog app with hierarchic categories. 2025-03-25
django-watchman None django-watchmen exposes a status endpoint for your backing services 2025-03-25

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