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auto / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
arff None Python package for reading and writing Weka arff files 2023-06-16
anot_fib None A simple program to return nth fibonacci number 2023-06-16
atomac None Automated Testing on Mac - test GUI applications written in Cocoa by using Apple's Accessibility API 2023-06-16
annopyte None http://annopyte.franzoni.eu 2023-06-16
appmetrics None Application metrics collector 2023-06-16
apiclient None Framework for making good API client libraries using urllib3. 2023-06-16
antiorm None A Pythonic Helper for DBAPI-2.0 SQL Access 2023-06-16
appleremote.py None A simple script to interface LIRC using the macmini driver with MythTV running the remote control interface. 2023-06-16
atomisator.db None Expert Python Programming - Manages the Atomisator storage. 2023-06-16
apply_firewall None A tool for applying iptables of linux safely, it rollbacks to original iptables if you don't type yes in specific time period. This is useful to void some situation which like blocked your self from accessing SSH remotely 2023-06-16
application_repository.jsonrpc None A json-rpc package which implements JSON-RPC over HTTP. 2023-06-16
aplpy None The Astronomical Plotting Library in Python 2023-06-16
arubomu None Library of data structures and I/O for music album information 2023-06-16
supermutes None A collection of super mutables 2023-06-16
apachelog None Access log parser in python, ported from Peter Hickman's Apache::LogRegex Perl moduleUniversal. 2023-06-16
clint None https://github.com/kennethreitz/clint 2023-06-16
apache_conf_parser None Parse and manipulate apache conf files. 2023-06-16
atomisator.indexer None Expert Python Programming - Indexing 2023-06-16
arges None Simple and multi platform automated testing and tasks execution tool, that can be used straight from the command line. 2023-06-16
annotate_regions None GUI for annotating regions in chromosomal copy number profiles 2023-06-16
astropy None Community-developed python astronomy tools 2023-06-16
argfarce None Declarative wrapper for argparse 2023-06-16
arp None ARP / RARP module for Python 2023-06-16
apocell None Post-processing for apobec collocation data from cellprofiler 2023-06-16
ant None Python implementation of the ANT, ANT+, and ANT-FS protocols (http://www.thisisant.com/). 2023-06-16
annotate None http://pypi.python.org/pypi/annotate/ 2023-06-16
apns None A python library for interacting with the Apple Push Notification Service 2023-06-16
aniso8601 None https://bitbucket.org/nielsenb/aniso8601 2023-06-16
nydus None http://github.com/disqus/nydus 2023-06-16
analysis None Source code analysis of Python programs 2023-06-16
amqp-dispatcher None http://github.com/philipcristiano/amqp-dispatcher 2023-06-16
treq None http://github.com/dreid/treq 2023-06-16
allegrordf None http://alcidesfonseca.com/ 2023-06-16
akshay_choche_nester None http://cs.uga.edu/~choche 2023-06-16
afn None A collection of useful tools and libraries 2023-06-16
carrot None http://github.com/ask/carrot/ 2023-06-16
admesh None Wrapper for admesh C library 2023-06-16
plonetheme.inbusiness None http://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/plonetheme.inbusiness/ 2023-06-16
plonetheme.diazo_sunburst None https://github.com/aclark4life/plonetheme.diazo_sunburst 2023-06-16
plonetheme.cleantheme None http://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/plonetheme.cleantheme 2023-06-16
ploneterminal None https://github.com/bearstech/PloneTerminal 2023-06-16
alioss None http://www.phodal.com 2023-06-16
alchemytools None https://github.com/daltonmatos/alchemytools 2023-06-16
plone.recipe.bundlecheckout None http://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/buildout/plone.recipe.bundlecheckout 2023-06-16
ajk_ios_buildtools None [email protected]:wadecong/buildTools_py_ios.git 2023-06-16
airframe None https://github.com/virantha/airframe 2023-06-16
zc.recipe.egg None http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/zc.recipe.egg 2023-06-16
plog None http://github.com/dnarvaez/plog 2023-06-16
plumber None http://github.com/bluedynamics/plumber 2023-06-16
zope.dottedname None http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zope.dottedname 2023-06-16

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