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Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of a fractionally differenced ARIMA(p,d,q) model (Haslett and Raftery, Appl.Statistics, 1989).
2025-03-25 |
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Misc functions for training and plotting classification and regression models
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Support for the foreach looping construct. Foreach is an idiom that allows for iterating over elements in a collection, without the use of an explicit loop counter. This package in particular is intended to be used for its return value, rather than for its side effects. In that sense, it is similar to the standard lapply function, but doesn't require the evaluation of a function. Using foreach without side effects also facilitates executing the loop in parallel.
2025-03-25 |
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Support for iterators, which allow a programmer to traverse through all the elements of a vector, list, or other collection of data.
2025-03-25 |
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This package accompanies J. Fox and S. Weisberg, An R Companion to Applied Regression, Second Edition, Sage, 2011.
2025-03-25 |
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Estimation and inference methods for models of conditional quantiles: Linear and nonlinear parametric and non-parametric (total variation penalized) models for conditional quantiles of a univariate response and several methods for handling censored survival data. Portfolio selection methods based on expected shortfall risk are also included.
2025-03-25 |
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Basic linear algebra for sparse matrices
2025-03-25 |
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Test in linear mixed effects models. . Attention is on linear mixed effects models as implemented in the lme4 package. . The package implements a parametric bootstrap test. . The package implements a Kenward-Roger modification of F-tests.
2025-03-25 |
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Specify and fit the Bradley-Terry model, including structured versions in which the parameters are related to explanatory variables through a linear predictor and versions with contest-specific effects, such as a home advantage.
2025-03-25 |
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Fit linear and generalized linear mixed-effects models. The models and their components are represented using S4 classes and methods. The core computational algorithms are implemented using the Eigen C++ library for numerical linear algebra and RcppEigen "glue".
2025-03-25 |
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Derivative-free optimization by quadratic approximation based on an interface to Fortran implementations by M. J. D. Powell.
2025-03-25 |
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R and Eigen integration using Rcpp. Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers and related algorithms. It supports dense and sparse matrices on integer, floating point and complex numbers, decompositions of such matrices, and solutions of linear systems. Its performance on many algorithms is comparable with some of the best implementations based on Lapack and level-3 BLAS. . The RcppEigen package includes the header files from the Eigen C++ template library (currently version 3.2.3). Thus users do not need to install Eigen itself in order to use RcppEigen. . Since version 3.1.1, Eigen is licensed under the Mozilla Public License (version 2); earlier version were licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 or later. RcppEigen (the Rcpp bindings/bridge to Eigen) is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2 or later, as is the rest of Rcpp.
2025-03-25 |
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Fit generalized linear models with binomial responses using either an adjusted-score approach to bias reduction or maximum penalized likelihood where penalization is by Jeffreys invariant prior. These procedures return estimates with improved frequentist properties (bias, mean squared error) that are always finite even in cases where the maximum likelihood estimates are infinite (data separation). Fitting takes place by fitting generalized linear models on iteratively updated pseudo-data. The interface is essentially the same as 'glm'. More flexibility is provided by the fact that custom pseudo-data representations can be specified and used for model fitting. Functions are provided for the construction of confidence intervals for the reduced-bias estimates.
2025-03-25 |
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profileModel provides tools that can be used to calculate, evaluate, plot and use for inference the profiles of *arbitrary* inference functions for *arbitrary* 'glm'-like fitted models with linear predictors.
2025-03-25 |
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Tools for visualizing, smoothing and comparing receiver operating characteristic (ROC curves). (Partial) area under the curve (AUC) can be compared with statistical tests based on U-statistics or bootstrap. Confidence intervals can be computed for (p)AUC or ROC curves.
2025-03-25 |
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ROC graphs, sensitivity/specificity curves, lift charts, and precision/recall plots are popular examples of trade-off visualizations for specific pairs of performance measures. ROCR is a flexible tool for creating cutoff-parameterized 2D performance curves by freely combining two from over 25 performance measures (new performance measures can be added using a standard interface). Curves from different cross-validation or bootstrapping runs can be averaged by different methods, and standard deviations, standard errors or box plots can be used to visualize the variability across the runs. The parameterization can be visualized by printing cutoff values at the corresponding curve positions, or by coloring the curve according to cutoff. All components of a performance plot can be quickly adjusted using a flexible parameter dispatching mechanism. Despite its flexibility, ROCR is easy to use, with only three commands and reasonable default values for all optional parameters.
2025-03-25 |
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Various R programming tools for plotting data
2025-03-25 |
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Various R programming tools for data manipulation
2025-03-25 |
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Various R programming tools
2025-03-25 |
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Contains several basic utility functions including: moving (rolling, running) window statistic functions, read/write for GIF and ENVI binary files, fast calculation of AUC, LogitBoost classifier, base64 encoder/decoder, round-off-error-free sum and cumsum, etc.
2025-03-25 |
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A least recently used (LRU) cache implementation
2025-03-25 |
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Supervised and unsupervised self-organising maps
2025-03-25 |
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No Summary
2025-03-25 |
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No Summary
2025-03-25 |
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No Summary
2025-03-25 |