No Description
Uploaded | Wed May 24 14:22:26 2023 |
md5 checksum | abaa0feeb4ab2aefcd341e1e074c2539 |
arch | ppc64le |
build | h4511f1f_0 |
depends | _openmp_mutex, blas * openblas, gmp >=6.2.1,<7.0a0, libgcc-ng >=11.2.0, libgfortran-ng, libgfortran5 >=11.2.0, libopenblas >=0.3.21,<1.0a0, libstdcxx-ng >=11.2.0, mpfr >=4.0.2,<5.0a0, tbb >=2021.8.0 |
license | LGPL-2.1-or-later AND BSD-3-Clause AND GPL-2.0-or-later AND Apache-2.0 |
license_family | Other |
md5 | abaa0feeb4ab2aefcd341e1e074c2539 |
name | suitesparse |
platform | linux |
sha256 | aef0234ccaf62fe07c3a7e47b110da3987c16dca576fef7343c92e53e5df616f |
size | 3297115 |
source_url | |
subdir | linux-ppc64le |
timestamp | 1683557035377 |
version | 7.0.1 |