
No Description

Uploaded Thu Jun 13 15:04:03 2024
md5 checksum 0f7c379703f9f3fd4cda35e8fdff7d07
arch x86_64
build py312h526ad5a_0
constrains dask-core >=2021.1.0, scikit-learn >=1.1, matplotlib-base >=3.6, pooch >=1.6.0, pywavelets >=1.1.1, astropy >=5.0, cloudpickle >=0.2.1
depends _openmp_mutex, imageio >=2.33, lazy_loader >=0.4, libgcc-ng >=11.2.0, libstdcxx-ng >=11.2.0, networkx >=2.8, numpy >=1.23,<2.0a0, packaging >=21, pillow >=9.1, python >=3.12,<3.13.0a0, scipy >=1.9, tifffile >=2022.8.12
license BSD-3-Clause AND MIT AND BSD-2-Clause
license_family Other
md5 0f7c379703f9f3fd4cda35e8fdff7d07
name scikit-image
platform linux
sha256 0df4f7c32bd75ee0d79a1f691e940f9f007093447119b041051df06278161a7a
size 13155431
source_url http://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/main/linux-64/scikit-image-0.23.2-py312h526ad5a_0.tar.bz2
subdir linux-64
timestamp 1718285549318
version 0.23.2