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anaconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
easyocr public End-to-End Multi-Lingual Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Solution 2024-08-13
fuel public No Summary 2024-08-13
featuretools public a framework for automated feature engineering 2024-08-13
fastparquet public Python interface to the parquet format 2024-08-13
evaluate public HuggingFace community-driven open-source library of evaluation 2024-08-13
datashape public No Summary 2024-08-13
dask-ml public Distributed and parallel machine learning using dask. 2024-08-13
dask-searchcv public Tools for doing hyperparameter search with Scikit-Learn and Dask 2024-08-13
cupy public CuPy is an implementation of a NumPy-compatible multi-dimensional array on CUDA. 2024-08-13
cvxcanon public Low-level library to perform the matrix building step in CVXPY 2024-08-13
catboost public Gradient boosting on decision trees library 2024-08-13
cassandra-driver public Python driver for Cassandra 2024-08-13
bkcharts public No Summary 2024-08-13
biopython public Collection of freely available tools for computational molecular biology 2024-08-13
autograd public Efficiently computes derivatives of numpy code. 2024-08-13
arviz public Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models with Python 2024-08-13
python-blosc public A Python wrapper for the extremely fast Blosc compression library 2024-08-13
torchvision public Image and video datasets and models for torch deep learning 2024-08-13
mkl_umath public NumPy-based implementation of universal math functions using Intel(R) Math Kernel Library (Intel(R) MKL) and Intel(R) C Compiler. 2024-08-13
modin-dask public Speed up your Pandas workflows by changing a single line of code 2024-08-12
modin-ray public Speed up your Pandas workflows by changing a single line of code 2024-08-12
modin-all public Speed up your Pandas workflows by changing a single line of code 2024-08-12
modin public Speed up your Pandas workflows by changing a single line of code 2024-08-12
sphinxcontrib-images public Sphinx extension for thumbnails 2024-08-12
flatbuffers public FlatBuffers is an efficient cross platform serialization library. 2024-08-08
optree public Optimized PyTree Utilities 2024-08-08
libml_dtypes-headers public A stand-alone implementation of several NumPy dtype extensions used in machine learning. 2024-08-07
popt public Popt is a C library for parsing command line parameters. 2024-08-07
libllvm17 public Development headers and libraries for LLVM 2024-08-07
msitools public msitools is a set of programs to inspect and build Windows Installer (.MSI) files 2024-08-06
libgsf public The G Structured File Library 2024-08-06
ripgrep public ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore 2024-08-06
gdk-pixbuf public GdkPixbuf is a library for image loading and manipulation. 2024-08-06
gettext public Internationalization package 2024-08-06
libdap4 public A C++ SDK which contains an implementation of both DAP2 and DAP4. 2024-08-06
fontconfig public A library for configuring and customizing font access. 2024-08-06
enaml public Declarative DSL for building rich user interfaces in Python 2024-08-05
uwsgi public The uWSGI project aims at developing a full stack for building hosting services 2024-08-05
libxmlsec1 public XML Security Library 2024-08-05
libhdfs3 public A Native C/C++ HDFS Client 2024-08-05
libxkbcommon public keymap handling library for toolkits and window systems 2024-08-05
openjpeg public An open-source JPEG 2000 codec written in C. 2024-08-05
jpeg public read/write jpeg COM, EXIF, IPTC medata 2024-08-05
backports public Namespace for backported Python features. 2024-08-05
bytecode public A Python module to generate and modify Python bytecode. 2024-08-01
mysql public Open source relational database management system. 2024-08-01
libxslt public The XSLT C library developed for the GNOME project 2024-08-01
google-cloud-storage public Python Client for Google Cloud Storage 2024-07-26
googleapis-common-protos-grpc public Extra grpc requirements for googleapis-common-protos 2024-07-26
google-api-core-grpcio-gcp public Core Library for Google Client Libraries with grpcio-gcp 2024-07-26

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