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anaconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
msys2-perl-www-robotrules public Database of robots.txt-derived permissions (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-WWW-RobotRules for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-pkgconf public pkg-config compatible utility which does not depend on glib (repack of MSYS2-packages pkgconf for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-pkg-config public msys2-pkgconf wrapper to align with non-MSYS2 systems 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-try-tiny public Minimal try/catch with proper localization of $@ (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-Try-Tiny for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-uri public Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative) (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-URI for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-termreadkey public Provides simple control over terminal driver modes (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-TermReadKey for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-timedate public Date formating subroutines (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-TimeDate for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-net-ssleay public Perl extension for using OpenSSL (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-Net-SSLeay for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-net-smtp-ssl public SSL support for Net::SMTP (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-Net-SMTP-SSL for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-net-http public Low-level HTTP connection (client) (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-Net-HTTP for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-lwp-mediatypes public Guess the media type of a file or a URL (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-LWP-MediaTypes for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-mime-tools public Parses streams to create MIME entities (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-MIME-tools for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-mailtools public Various e-mail related modules (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-MailTools for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-libwww public The World-Wide Web library for Perl (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-libwww for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-io-stringy public I/O on in-core objects like strings/arrays (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-IO-Stringy for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-http-message public HTTP style messages (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-HTTP-Message for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-io-socket-ssl public Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-IO-Socket-SSL for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-http-negotiate public choose a variant to serve (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-HTTP-Negotiate for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-io-html public Open an HTML file with automatic charset detection (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-IO-HTML for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-http-date public Date conversion routines (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-HTTP-Date for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-http-daemon public A simple http server class (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-HTTP-Daemon for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-http-cookiejar public A minimalist HTTP user agent cookie jar (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-http-cookiejar for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-http-cookies public HTTP cookie jars (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-HTTP-Cookies for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-html-tagset public Data tables useful in parsing HTML (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-HTML-Tagset for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-html-parser public Perl HTML parser class (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-HTML-Parser for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-file-listing public parse directory listing (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-File-Listing for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-error public Perl/CPAN Error module - Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-Error for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-encode-locale public Determine the locale encoding (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-Encode-Locale for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-doc public A highly capable, feature-rich programming language (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-doc for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-convert-binhex public Perl module to extract data from Macintosh BinHex files (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-Convert-BinHex for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-devel public A highly capable, feature-rich programming language (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-devel for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-authen-sasl public Perl/CPAN Module Authen::SASL : SASL authentication framework (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-Authen-SASL for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl-clone public Recursive copy of nested objects. (repack of MSYS2-packages perl-Clone for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-perl public A highly capable, feature-rich programming language (repack of MSYS2-packages perl for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-pcre2-devel public A library that implements Perl 5-style regular expressions (repack of MSYS2-packages pcre2-devel for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-pcre2 public A library that implements Perl 5-style regular expressions (repack of MSYS2-packages pcre2 for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-openssl-docs public The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security (repack of MSYS2-packages openssl-docs for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-pcre-devel public A library that implements Perl 5-style regular expressions (repack of MSYS2-packages pcre-devel for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-pcre public A library that implements Perl 5-style regular expressions (repack of MSYS2-packages pcre for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-patch public A utility to apply patch files to original sources (repack of MSYS2-packages patch for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-p7zip public Command-line version of the 7zip compressed file archiver (repack of MSYS2-packages p7zip for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-p11-kit public Library to work with PKCS-11 modules (repack of MSYS2-packages p11-kit for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-openssl-devel public The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security (repack of MSYS2-packages openssl-devel for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-openssl public The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security (repack of MSYS2-packages openssl for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-openssh public Free version of the SSH connectivity tools (repack of MSYS2-packages openssh for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-nghttp2 public Framing layer of HTTP/2 is implemented as a reusable C library (repack of MSYS2-packages nghttp2 for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-ncurses-devel public System V Release 4.0 curses emulation library (repack of MSYS2-packages ncurses-devel for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-ncurses public System V Release 4.0 curses emulation library (repack of MSYS2-packages ncurses for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-msys2-w32api-headers public Win32 API headers for MSYS2 32bit toolchain (repack of MSYS2-packages msys2-w32api-headers for MSYS) 2024-10-18
msys2-msys2-w32api-runtime public Win32 API import libs for MSYS2 toolchain (repack of MSYS2-packages msys2-w32api-runtime for MSYS) 2024-10-18

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