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anaconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
btrees public scalable persistent object containers 2025-01-03
azure-storage-blob public Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Client Library for Python 2025-01-03
aws-sam-translator public AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) prescribes rules for expressing Serverless applications on AWS. 2025-01-03
azure-core public Microsoft Azure Core Library for Python 2025-01-03
alembic public A database migration tool for SQLAlchemy. 2025-01-03
aiohttp-jinja2 public jinja2 template renderer for aiohttp.web (http server for asyncio) 2025-01-03
adtk public A package for unsupervised time series anomaly detection 2025-01-03
spacy-alignments public Align tokenizations for spaCy + transformers 2025-01-03
python-clang public Development headers and libraries for Clang 2025-01-03
oauthenticator public OAuth + JupyterHub Authenticator = OAuthenticator 2025-01-03
vyper-config public Python configuration with (more) fangs 2025-01-03
tbats public BATS and TBATS for time series forecasting 2025-01-03
sqlalchemy-jsonfield public SQLALchemy JSONField implementation for storing dicts at SQL independently from JSON type support. 2025-01-03
pmdarima public Pmdarima (originally pyramid-arima, for the anagram of 'py' + 'arima') is a statistical library designed to fill the void in Python's time series analysis capabilities. 2025-01-03
superqt public Missing widgets and components for PyQt/PySide 2025-01-03
rioxarray public rasterio xarray extension. 2025-01-02
fiona public Fiona reads and writes spatial data files 2024-12-30
pydantic public Data validation and settings management using python type hinting 2024-12-20
pydantic-core public Core validation logic for pydantic written in rust 2024-12-20
langchain-community public Community contributed LangChain integrations. 2024-12-20
pyzmq public Python bindings for zeromq 2024-12-20
langchain public Building applications with LLMs through composability 2024-12-20
typing_extensions public Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 2024-12-20
typing-extensions public Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 2024-12-20
aiohttp public Async http client/server framework (asyncio) 2024-12-20
aext-assistant public Anaconda extensions assistant library 2024-12-19
aext-core-server public Anaconda Toolbox backend lib core server component 2024-12-19
clangdev public Development headers and libraries for Clang 2024-12-19
libclang-cpp14 public Development headers and libraries for Clang 2024-12-19
libclang13 public Development headers and libraries for Clang 2024-12-19
clang-tools public Development headers and libraries for Clang 2024-12-19
libclang-cpp public Development headers and libraries for Clang 2024-12-19
libclang public Development headers and libraries for Clang 2024-12-19
clangxx public Development headers and libraries for Clang 2024-12-19
clang-format public Development headers and libraries for Clang 2024-12-19
clang-format-14 public Development headers and libraries for Clang 2024-12-19
clang public Development headers and libraries for Clang 2024-12-19
clang-14 public Development headers and libraries for Clang 2024-12-19
geoviews-core public GeoViews is a Python library that makes it easy to explore and visualize geographical, meteorological, and oceanographic datasets, such as those used in weather, climate, and remote sensing research. 2024-12-19
geoviews public GeoViews is a Python library that makes it easy to explore and visualize geographical, meteorological, and oceanographic datasets, such as those used in weather, climate, and remote sensing research. 2024-12-19
scikit-build-core public Build backend for CMake based projects 2024-12-18
ipython public IPython: Productive Interactive Computing 2024-12-18
pytest-subprocess public A plugin to fake subprocess for pytest 2024-12-18
langchain-text-splitters public LangChain text splitting utilities 2024-12-18
libcurl-static public tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax 2024-12-18
cattrs public Complex custom class converters for attrs. 2024-12-18
attrs public attrs is the Python package that will bring back the joy of writing classes by relieving you from the drudgery of implementing object protocols (aka dunder methods). 2024-12-18
hatchling public Modern, extensible Python build backend 2024-12-18
libmamba public A fast drop-in alternative to conda, using libsolv for dependency resolution 2024-12-18
libmambapy public A fast drop-in alternative to conda, using libsolv for dependency resolution 2024-12-18

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