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anaconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
visions public Type System for Data Analysis in Python 2024-08-13
umap-learn public Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection 2024-08-13
theano public Optimizing compiler for evaluating mathematical expressions on CPUs and GPUs. 2024-08-13
tensorflow-datasets public tensorflow/datasets is a library of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow. 2024-08-13
tensorboard public TensorFlow's Visualization Toolkit 2024-08-13
tabpy-server public No Summary 2024-08-13
sparkmagic public Jupyter magics and kernels for working with remote Spark clusters 2024-08-13
snappy public A fast compressor/decompressor 2024-08-13
sklearn-pandas public Pandas integration with sklearn 2024-08-13
skl2onnx public Convert scikit-learn models to ONNX 2024-08-13
quantecon public QuantEcon is a package to support all forms of quantitative economic modelling. 2024-08-13
quandl public Source for financial, economic, and alternative datasets. 2024-08-13
qdldl-python public Python interface to the QDLDL free LDL factorization routine for quasi-definite linear systems 2024-08-13
pynndescent public Simple fast approximate nearest neighbor search 2024-08-13
pymc public PyMC: Bayesian Stochastic Modelling in Python 2024-08-13
pymc3 public Probabilistic Programming in Python 2024-08-13
prophet public Automatic Forecasting Procedure 2024-08-13
pandera-core public The open source framework for precision data testing 2024-08-13
pandas-profiling public Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame 2024-08-13
osqp public Python interface for OSQP, the Operator Splitting QP Solver 2024-08-13
orange3 public component-based data mining framework 2024-08-13
orange-canvas-core public Core component of Orange Canvas 2024-08-13
onnxmltools public ONNXMLTools enables conversion of models to ONNX 2024-08-13
onnxconverter-common public Common utilities for ONNX converters 2024-08-13
odo public Shapeshifting for your data 2024-08-13
neuralprophet public NeuralProphet is an easy to learn framework for interpretable time series forecasting 2024-08-13
modin-core public Speed up your Pandas workflows by changing a single line of code 2024-08-13
neon public Nervana's Python-based Deep Learning framework 2024-08-13
medspacy_quickumls public QuickUMLS is a tool for fast, unsupervised biomedical concept extraction from medical text 2024-08-13
mdp public No Summary 2024-08-13
lime public Explaining the predictions of any machine learning classifier 2024-08-13
libpysal public Core components of PySAL A library of spatial analysis functions 2024-08-13
ipympl public Matplotlib Jupyter Extension 2024-08-13
ibis-framework public Productivity-centric Python Big Data Framework 2024-08-13
hdijupyterutils public Project with useful classes/methods for all projects created by the HDInsight team at Microsoft around Jupyter 2024-08-13
glue-vispy-viewers public 3D viewers for Glue 2024-08-13
easyocr public End-to-End Multi-Lingual Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Solution 2024-08-13
fuel public No Summary 2024-08-13
featuretools public a framework for automated feature engineering 2024-08-13
fastparquet public Python interface to the parquet format 2024-08-13
evaluate public HuggingFace community-driven open-source library of evaluation 2024-08-13
datashape public No Summary 2024-08-13
datasets public HuggingFace community-driven open-source library of datasets 2024-08-13
dask-ml public Distributed and parallel machine learning using dask. 2024-08-13
dask-searchcv public Tools for doing hyperparameter search with Scikit-Learn and Dask 2024-08-13
cupy public CuPy is an implementation of a NumPy-compatible multi-dimensional array on CUDA. 2024-08-13
cvxcanon public Low-level library to perform the matrix building step in CVXPY 2024-08-13
catboost public Gradient boosting on decision trees library 2024-08-13
cassandra-driver public Python driver for Cassandra 2024-08-13
bkcharts public No Summary 2024-08-13

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