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anaconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
jpype1 public A Python to Java bridge. 2023-06-16
libcrc32c public CRC32C implementation with support for CPU-specific acceleration instructions 2023-06-16
setuptools-scm-git-archive public setuptools_scm plugin for git archives 2023-06-16
patch-ng public Library to parse and apply unified diffs 2023-06-16
click-repl public REPL plugin for Click 2023-06-16
click-didyoumean public Enable git-like did-you-mean feature in click. 2023-06-16
junit-xml public Creates JUnit XML test result documents that can be read by tools such as Jenkins 2023-06-16
groff public Groff (GNU troff) is a typesetting system 2023-06-16
spdlog public Super fast C++ logging library. 2023-06-16
dlpack public DLPack - Open In Memory Tensor Structure 2023-06-16
munkres public The Munkres module provides an O(n^3) implementation of the Munkres algorithm (also called the Hungarian algorithm or the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm). 2023-06-16
flite public No Summary 2023-06-16
bash public Bourne Again Shell 2023-06-16
cmake_setuptools public Provides some usable cmake related build extensions 2023-06-16
access public classical and novel measures of spatial accessibility to services 2023-06-16
pyperformance public Python benchmark suite 2023-06-16
pyperf public Toolkit to run Python benchmarks 2023-06-16
protego public A pure-Python robots.txt parser with support for modern conventions 2023-06-16
pyte public Simple VTXXX-compatible linux terminal emulator 2023-06-16
itemadapter public Common interface for different data containers 2023-06-16
bpython public Fancy Interface to the Python Interpreter 2023-06-16
aioitertools public asyncio version of the standard multiprocessing module 2023-06-16
shellcheck public ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts 2023-06-16
yarn public Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management. 2023-06-16
python-nvd3 public Python NVD3 - Chart Library for d3.js 2023-06-16
aniso8601 public A library for parsing ISO 8601 strings. 2023-06-16
sed public sed (stream editor) is a non-interactive command-line text editor. 2023-06-16
libev public A full-featured and high-performance event loop that is loosely modeled after libevent, but without its limitations and bugs. 2023-06-16
libev-static public A full-featured and high-performance event loop that is loosely modeled after libevent, but without its limitations and bugs. 2023-06-16
iniconfig public iniconfig: brain-dead simple config-ini parsing 2023-06-16
argon2-cffi public The secure Argon2 password hashing algorithm. 2023-06-16
atk-1.0 public Accessibility Toolkit. 2023-06-16
atk public Accessibility Toolkit. 2023-06-16
zstd-static public Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm 2023-06-16
rfc3986 public Validating URI References per RFC 3986 2023-06-16
hstspreload public Chromium HSTS Preload list as a Python package and updated daily. 2023-06-16
baycomp public Library for Bayesian comparison of predictive models 2023-06-16
libzopfli public A compression library programmed in C to perform very good, but slow, deflate or zlib compression. 2023-06-16
jxrlib public jxrlib - JPEG XR Library by Microsoft, built from Debian hosted sources. 2023-06-16
charls public CharLS is a C++ implementation of the JPEG-LS standard for lossless and near-lossless image compression and decompression. JPEG-LS is a low-complexity image compression standard that matches JPEG 2000 compression ratios. 2023-06-16
qds-sdk public Python SDK for coding to the Qubole Data Service API 2023-06-16
aiodns public Simple DNS resolver for asyncio 2023-06-16
adal public The ADAL for Python library makes it easy for python application to authenticate to Azure Active Directory (AAD) in order to access AAD protected web resources. 2023-06-16
vertica-python public A native Python client for the Vertica database. 2023-06-16
statsd public A Python client for statsd 2023-06-16
sshtunnel public Pure Python SSH tunnels 2023-06-16
pysftp public A friendly face on SFTP 2023-06-16
pysmbclient public A convenient smbclient wrapper 2023-06-16
cloudant public Asynchronous Cloudant / CouchDB Interface 2023-06-16
azure-cosmos public Microsoft Azure Cosmos Python SDK 2023-06-16

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