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anaconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
powershell_shortcut public Powershell shortcut creator for Windows (using menuinst) 2024-06-21
console_shortcut public No Summary 2024-06-21
navigator-updater public Anaconda Navigator Updater 2024-06-19
bs4 public Python library designed for screen-scraping 2024-06-16
sphinx public Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation 2024-06-14
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml public sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml is a sphinx extension which outputs "serialized" HTML files (json and pickle). 2024-06-14
conda-project public Tool for encapsulating, running, and reproducing projects with conda environments 2024-06-14
nbclassic public Jupyter Notebook as a Jupyter Server Extension. 2024-06-11
orc public C++ libraries for Apache ORC 2024-06-05
anaconda-cloud public Anaconda Cloud client tools 2024-06-05
intake-xarray public xarray plugins for Intake 2024-06-04
voila public Rendering of live Jupyter notebooks with interactive widgets 2024-06-04
cherrypy public Object-Oriented HTTP framework 2024-05-30
libprotobuf-static public Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format. C++ Libraries and protoc, the protobuf compiler. 2024-05-24
libprotobuf public Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format. C++ Libraries and protoc, the protobuf compiler. 2024-05-24
libabseil-tests public Abseil Common Libraries (C++) 2024-05-24
libprotobuf-python-headers public Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format. C++ Libraries and protoc, the protobuf compiler. 2024-05-24
libabseil public Abseil Common Libraries (C++) 2024-05-24
nccl public Optimized primitives for collective multi-GPU communication 2024-05-23
sphinxcontrib-jquery public A sphinx extension to include jQuery on newer sphinx releases 2024-05-23
cutensor public Tensor Linear Algebra on NVIDIA GPUs 2024-05-23
cuda-visual-tools public Contains the visual tools to debug and profile CUDA applications 2024-05-23
cuda-tools public Meta-package containing all CUDA command line and visual tools. 2024-05-23
cuda-libraries-static public Meta-package containing all available library static packages. 2024-05-23
cuda-libraries public Meta-package containing all available library runtime packages. 2024-05-23
cuda-libraries-dev public Meta-package containing all available library development packages. 2024-05-23
cuda public Meta-package containing all the available packages for native CUDA development 2024-05-21
cuda-toolkit public Meta-package containing all toolkit packages for CUDA development 2024-05-21
cuda-runtime public Meta-package containing all runtime library packages. 2024-05-21
graphene public GraphQL Framework for Python 2024-05-17
cuda-opencl-dev public CUDA OpenCL native Libraries 2024-05-16
cuda-opencl public CUDA OpenCL native Libraries 2024-05-16
graphql-relay public Relay library for graphql-core 2024-05-16
cuda-minimal-build public Meta-package containing the minimal necessary to build basic CUDA apps. 2024-05-16
khronos-opencl-icd-loader public A driver loader for OpenCL 2024-05-16
libnvfatbin-static public NVIDIA compiler library for fatbin interaction 2024-05-16
libnvfatbin-dev public NVIDIA compiler library for fatbin interaction 2024-05-16
libnvfatbin public NVIDIA compiler library for fatbin interaction 2024-05-16
ocl-icd public An OpenCL ICD Loader under an open-source license 2024-05-16
jasper public A reference implementation of the codec specified in the JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard. 2024-05-16
gtest public Google's C++ test framework 2024-05-16
gmock public Google's C++ test framework 2024-05-16
cuda-compiler public A meta-package containing tools to start developing a CUDA application 2024-05-15
nsight-compute public NVIDIA Nsight Compute is an interactive kernel profiler for CUDA applications 2024-05-15
freeglut public A GUI based on OpenGL. 2024-05-15
cuda-command-line-tools public Meta-package containing the command line tools to debug CUDA applications 2024-05-15
cuda-nvvp public NVIDIA Visual Profiler to visualize and optimize the performance of your application. 2024-05-14
cuda-sanitizer-api public Provides a set of APIs to enable third party tools to write GPU sanitizing tools 2024-05-14
nvidia-gds public GPU Direct Storage meta-package 2024-05-14
cmdstan public CmdStan, the command line interface to Stan 2024-05-11

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