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anaconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
tinycss2 public Low-level CSS parser for Python 2025-02-18
streamlit-vertical-slider public Creates a customizable vertical slider 2025-02-18
stumpy public A powerful and scalable library that can be used for a variety of time series data mining tasks. 2025-02-18
streamlit-keyup public Text input that renders on keyup 2025-02-18
streamlit-toggle-switch public Creates a customizable toggle 2025-02-18
streamlit-image-coordinates public Streamlit component that displays an image and returns the coordinates when you click on it 2025-02-18
streamlit-embedcode public Streamlit component for embedded code snippets 2025-02-18
streamlit-chat public A streamlit component, to make chatbots 2025-02-18
streamlit-camera-input-live public Alternative version of st.camera_input which returns the webcam images live, without any button press needed 2025-02-18
streamlit-card public A streamlit component, to make UI cards 2025-02-18
sqlparse public A non-validating SQL parser module for Python. 2025-02-18
st-annotated-text public A simple component to display annotated text in Streamlit apps. 2025-02-18
sparse public Sparse multi-dimensional arrays for the PyData ecosystem 2025-02-18
qtconsole public Jupyter Qt console 2025-02-18
ruff public An extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust. 2025-02-18
s3fs public Convenient Filesystem interface over S3 2025-02-18
pyts public A Python package for time series classification 2025-02-18
python-pptx public Generate and manipulate Open XML PowerPoint (.pptx) files 2025-02-18
pytest-socket public Pytest Plugin to disable socket calls during tests 2025-02-18
panel public The powerful data exploration & web app framework for Python 2025-02-18
pytesseract public Python-tesseract is an optical character recognition (OCR) tool for python. 2025-02-18
pylint public python code static checker 2025-02-18
pyod public A Python Toolkit for Scalable Outlier Detection (Anomaly Detection) 2025-02-18
pip public PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages 2025-02-18
pyjwt public JSON Web Token implementation in Python 2025-02-18
neo4j-python-driver public Database connector for Neo4j graph database 2025-02-18
pims public Python Image Sequence. Load video and sequential images in many formats with a simple, consistent interface. 2025-02-18
mlxtend public Machine Learning Library Extensions 2025-02-18
jupyterhub-base public Multi-user server for Jupyter notebooks 2025-02-18
matplotlib public Publication quality figures in Python 2025-02-18
line_profiler public Line-by-line profiling for Python 2025-02-18
jupyter_client public Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries. 2025-02-18
jupyterhub public Multi-user server for Jupyter notebooks 2025-02-18
jupyter_console public Jupyter terminal console 2025-02-18
h5py public Read and write HDF5 files from Python 2025-02-18
jupyter-dash public Dash support for the Jupyter notebook interface 2025-02-18
grayskull public Project to generate recipes for conda. 2025-02-18
fsspec public A specification for pythonic filesystems 2025-02-18
expecttest public This library implements expect tests (also known as "golden" tests). 2025-02-18
elastic-transport public Transport classes and utilities shared among Python Elastic client libraries 2025-02-18
ewah-bool-utils public EWAH Bool Array utils for yt 2025-02-18
dask-jobqueue public Easy deployment of Dask Distributed on job queuing systems like PBS, Slurm, LSF and SGE. 2025-02-18
captum public Model interpretability for PyTorch 2025-02-18
astroid public A abstract syntax tree for Python with inference support. 2025-02-18
dask-glm public Generalized Linear Models in Dask 2025-02-18
cleo public Cleo allows you to create beautiful and testable command-line interfaces. 2025-02-18
black public The Uncompromising Code Formatter 2025-02-18
accessible-pygments public A collection of accessible pygments styles 2025-02-18
thefuzz public Fuzzy string matching library. 2025-02-17
slicer public Unified slicing for all Python data structures. 2025-02-17

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