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anaconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
libnghttp2-static public This is an implementation of Hypertext Transfer Protocol version 2. 2023-10-11
libboost public Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. 2023-10-08
boost-cpp public Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. 2023-10-08
libvpx public A high-quality, open video format for the web 2023-10-06
poppler-cpp public The Poppler PDF manipulation library. 2023-09-26
pydruid public A Python connector for Druid 2023-09-26
kombu public Messaging library for Python 2023-09-26
asyncpgsa public A fast PostgreSQL Database Client Library for Python/asyncio. 2023-09-26
libwebp public WebP image library 2023-09-15
pre_commit public A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks. 2023-09-15
pykerberos public high-level interface to Kerberos 2023-09-07
librdkafka public The Apache Kafka C/C++ client library 2023-09-07
libgsasl public Implementation of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer framework 2023-09-05
c-ares-static public This is c-ares, an asynchronous resolver library 2023-09-05
c-ares public This is c-ares, an asynchronous resolver library 2023-09-05
pdfium-binaries public pre-compiled binaries of the PDFium library 2023-09-05
libgd public Library for the dynamic creation of images. 2023-09-01
scs public Python interface for SCS, which solves convex cone problems 2023-08-31
pycryptosat public An advanced SAT Solver https://www.msoos.org 2023-08-30
libkml public Reference implementation of OGC KML 2.2 2023-08-30
libcryptominisat public An advanced SAT Solver https://www.msoos.org 2023-08-30
cryptominisat public An advanced SAT Solver https://www.msoos.org 2023-08-30
xerces-c public Xerces-C++ is a validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++. 2023-08-25
serf public High performance C-based HTTP client library 2023-08-24
icu public International Components for Unicode. 2023-08-24
jsoncpp public A C++ library for interacting with JSON. 2023-08-23
build public A simple, correct PEP517 package builder 2023-08-17
uriparser public RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing and handling library written in C89 2023-08-16
rust_linux-ppc64le public A safe systems programming language (conda activation scripts) 2023-08-10
pymc-experimental public The next batch of cool PyMC features 2023-08-08
coin-or-cbc public COIN-OR branch and cut (Cbc) 2023-08-08
coincbc public COIN-OR branch and cut (Cbc) 2023-08-08
python-tzdata public Provider of IANA time zone data 2023-07-28
logbook public Logbook is a nice logging replacement 2023-07-24
dav1d public dav1d is the fastest AV1 decoder on all platforms 2023-07-12
aom public Alliance for Open Media video codec 2023-07-12
tmux public A terminal multiplexer. 2023-07-12
libxkbfile-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) X.Org X11 libxkbfile runtime library 2023-07-12
libxkbfile-devel-cos6-x86_64 public (CDT) X.Org X11 libxkbfile development package 2023-07-12
libxkbfile-devel-amzn2-aarch64 public (CDT) X.Org X11 libxkbfile development package 2023-07-12
libxkbfile-amzn2-aarch64 public (CDT) X.Org X11 libxkbfile development package 2023-07-12
cupti public development environment for GPU-accelerated applications, CUPTI components 2023-07-12
cyrus-sasl public This is the Cyrus SASL API implementation. It can be used on the client or server side to provide authentication and authorization services. See RFC 4422 for more information. 2023-06-29
thrift-compiler public Compiler and C++ libraries and headers for the Apache Thrift RPC system 2023-06-29
thrift-cpp public Compiler and C++ libraries and headers for the Apache Thrift RPC system 2023-06-29
libthrift public Compiler and C++ libraries and headers for the Apache Thrift RPC system 2023-06-29
graphlib-backport public Backport of the Python 3.9 graphlib module for Python 3.6+ 2023-06-27
mono public Mono is a software platform designed to allow developers to easily create cross platform applications. 2023-06-27
salt public Software to automate the management and configuration of any infrastructure or application at scale 2023-06-25
tiledb public TileDB sparse and dense multi-dimensional array data management 2023-06-25

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