No Description
Uploaded | Fri Dec 20 11:56:46 2024 |
md5 checksum | 340f0643307edbc27fbd26b843f18449 |
app_entry | jupyter-lab --LabApp.default_url="/lab?open_assistant=true&reset" |
app_type | desk |
arch | x86_64 |
build | py311hecd8cb5_0 |
depends | aext-assistant 4.1.0.*, aext-core 4.1.0.*, aext-panels 4.1.0.*, aext-panels-server 4.1.0.*, aext-project-filebrowser-server 4.1.0.*, aext-share-notebook 4.1.0.*, aext-share-notebook-server 4.1.0.*, aext-shared 4.1.0.*, alembic >=1.13.1,<2, anaconda-cloud-auth >=0.7.1, jupyter_server >=2.10.0,<3, jupyterlab >=4.0.9,<5, nbconvert, python >=3.11,<3.12.0a0 |
license | LicenseRef-Proprietary |
license_family | Other |
md5 | 340f0643307edbc27fbd26b843f18449 |
name | anaconda-toolbox |
platform | osx |
sha256 | f9d45883282c50989b4c789c7555236f01da0bebb3da0941b94a11072e96d42b |
size | 4783659 |
source_url | |
subdir | osx-64 |
summary | Anaconda Assistant JupyterLab supercharged with a suite of Anaconda extensions, starting with the Anaconda Assistant AI chatbot. |
timestamp | 1734695038845 |
type | app |
version | 4.1.0 |