
No Description

Uploaded Mon Jun 3 17:59:13 2024
md5 checksum b5a15015d24bd69d48c887fead33ccd9
app_entry jupyter-lab --LabApp.default_url="/lab?open_assistant=true&reset"
app_type desk
build 0
depends aext-assistant, aext-core >=4,<5, aext-panels >=4,<5, aext-panels-server >=4,<5, aext-share-notebook >=4,<5, aext-share-notebook-server >=4,<5, aext-shared >=4,<5, anaconda-cloud-auth >=0.1.3, jupyterlab >=4.0.8,<5
noarch generic
subdir noarch
summary Anaconda Assistant JupyterLab supercharged with a suite of Anaconda extensions, starting with the Anaconda Assistant AI chatbot.
target-triplet None-any-None
timestamp 1717437493180
type app