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ad-testing / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
readme_renderer public readme_renderer is a library for rendering readme descriptions for Warehouse 2023-09-08
querystring_parser public QueryString parser for Python/Django that correctly handles nested dictionaries 2023-09-08
qstylizer public Qt stylesheet generation utility for PyQt/PySide 2023-09-08
qasync public Implementation of the PEP 3156 Event-Loop with Qt. 2023-09-08
pyzmq public Python bindings for zeromq 2023-09-08
pytimeparse public A small Python library to parse various kinds of time expressions 2023-09-08
pythonanywhere public PythonAnywhere helper tools for users 2023-09-08
python3-openid public OpenID support for modern servers and consumers. 2023-09-08
python-xxhash public Python binding for xxHash 2023-09-08
python-utils public Python Utils is a collection of small Python functions and classes which make common patterns shorter and easier. 2023-09-08
python-tblib public Serialization library for Exceptions and Tracebacks. 2023-09-08
python-snappy public Python library for the snappy compression library from Google 2023-09-08
python-rapidjson public Python wrapper around rapidjson 2023-09-08
python-multipart public A streaming multipart parser for Python. 2023-09-08
python-memcached public Pure python memcached client 2023-09-08
python-lmdb public Universal Python binding for the LMDB 'Lightning' Database 2023-09-08
python-ldap public Python modules for implementing LDAP clients 2023-09-08
python-kubernetes public The official Kubernetes python client. 2023-09-08
python-kaleido public Fast static image export for web-based visualization libraries 2023-09-08
python-json-logger public A python library adding a json log formatter 2023-09-08
python-isal public Faster zlib and gzip compatible compression and decompression by providing python bindings for the isa-l library. 2023-09-08
python-gflags public Google Commandline Flags Module 2023-09-08
python-fastjsonschema public Fastest Python implementation of JSON schema 2023-09-08
python-dotenv public Get and set values in your .env file in local and production servers like Heroku does. 2023-09-08
python-clang public Development headers and libraries for Clang 2023-09-08
python-blosc public A Python wrapper for the extremely fast Blosc compression library 2023-09-08
python-bidi public Pure python implementation of the BiDi layout algorithm 2023-09-08
pytest-variables public pytest plugin for providing variables to tests/fixtures 2023-09-08
pytest-tornasync public py.test plugin for testing Python 3.5+ Tornado code 2023-09-08
pytest-sugar public Pytest plugin that adds a progress bar and other visual enhancements 2023-09-08
pytest-runner public Invoke py.test as distutils command with dependency resolution. 2023-09-08
pytest-remotedata public Pytest plugin for controlling remote data access 2023-09-08
pytest-metadata public pytest plugin for test session metadata 2023-09-08
pytest-jupyter public Pytest plugin that provides a set of fixtures and markers for testing Jupyter notebooks and Jupyter kernel sessions using the Pytest framework. This package allows developers to run tests on Jupyter notebooks as if they were regular Python modules. 2023-09-08
pytest-describe public Describe-style plugin for py.test 2023-09-08
pytest-console-scripts public Pytest plugin for testing console scripts 2023-09-08
pytest-benchmark public A py.test fixture for benchmarking code 2023-09-08
pytest-base-url public pytest plugin for URL based testing 2023-09-08
pytest-asyncio public Pytest support for asyncio 2023-09-08
pytest-astropy public Meta-package containing dependencies for testing Astropy 2023-09-08
pytest-arraydiff public pytest plugin to help with comparing array output from tests 2023-09-08
pysimstring public Python Simstring bindings for Linux, OS X and Windows 2023-09-08
pyserial public Python serial port access library 2023-09-08
pysbd public Rule-based sentence boundary detection 2023-09-08
pyrsistent public Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures 2023-09-08
pyquery public A jquery-like library for python 2023-09-08
pyqtgraph public Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python 2023-09-08
pyqt-builder public The PEP 517 compliant PyQt build system 2023-09-08
pypdf2 public A pure-python PDF library capable of splitting, merging, cropping, and transforming PDF files 2023-09-08
pyopenssl public Python wrapper module around the OpenSSL library 2023-09-08

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