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ad-testing / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
flask-restx public Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Flask 2023-09-08
flask-restful public Simple framework for creating REST APIs 2023-09-08
flask-openid public OpenID support for Flask 2023-09-08
flask-login public User session management for Flask 2023-09-08
flask-jwt-extended public A Flask JWT extension 2023-09-08
flask-compress public Compress responses in your Flask app with gzip. 2023-09-08
flask-caching public Adds caching support to your Flask application 2023-09-08
flask-bcrypt public Bcrypt hashing for Flask. 2023-09-08
flask-apscheduler public Flask-APScheduler is a Flask extension which adds support for the APScheduler 2023-09-08
flask-admin public Simple and extensible admin interface framework for Flask 2023-09-08
flask public A simple framework for building complex web applications. 2023-09-08
flake8-polyfill public Provides some compatibility helpers for Flake8 plugins that intend to support Flake8 2.x and 3.x simultaneously. 2023-09-08
flake8-import-order public A flake8 and Pylama plugin that checks the ordering of your imports. 2023-09-08
findpython public A utility to find python versions on your system 2023-09-08
favicon public Get a website's favicon. 2023-09-08
fastdownload public A general purpose data downloading library. 2023-09-08
fastcore public Python supercharged for fastai development 2023-09-08
fastcache public C implementation of Python 3 lru_cache 2023-09-08
farama-notifications public Notifications for all Farama Foundation maintained libraries. 2023-09-08
faker public Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you 2023-09-08
factory_boy public A versatile test fixtures replacement based on thoughtbot's factory_girl for Ruby. 2023-09-08
exceptiongroup public Backport of PEP 654 (exception groups) 2023-09-08
etuples public Python S-expression emulation using tuple-like objects. 2023-09-08
et_xmlfile public An implementation of lxml.xmlfile for the standard library 2023-09-08
enum34 public Python 3.4 Enum backported to 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 2.7, 2.6, 2.5, and 2.4 2023-09-08
entrypoints public Discover and load entry points from installed packages. 2023-09-08
ensureconda public Install and run applications packaged with conda in isolated environments 2023-09-08
emfile public Basic utility to read tomography data from files in `*.em` format. 2023-09-08
elementpath public XPath 1.0/2.0 parsers and selectors for ElementTree 2023-09-08
editdistance public Fast implementation of the edit distance(Levenshtein distance) 2023-09-08
dunamai public Dynamic versioning library and CLI 2023-09-08
dulwich public Python Git Library 2023-09-08
dropbox public Official Dropbox API Client 2023-09-08
drmaa public Python wrapper around the C DRMAA library 2023-09-08
docutils public Docutils -- Python Documentation Utilities 2023-09-08
docstring-to-markdown public On the fly conversion of Python docstrings to markdown 2023-09-08
docopt public Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile 2023-09-08
docker-py public Python client for Docker. 2023-09-08
dm-tree public Tree is a library for working with nested data structures. 2023-09-08
django public A high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. 2023-09-08
distributed public Distributed computing with Dask 2023-09-08
distconfig3 public Library to manage configuration using Zookeeper, Etcd, Consul 2023-09-08
dill public Serialize all of python (almost) 2023-09-08
diffusers-base public Diffusers provides pretrained vision diffusion models, and serves as a modular toolbox for inference and training. 2023-09-08
dicttoxml public Converts a Python dictionary or other native data type into a valid XML string. 2023-09-08
deprecated public Python @deprecated decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods. 2023-09-08
debugpy public An implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python 2023-09-08
dbus-python public Python bindings for dbus 2023-09-08
dbt-extractor public Jinja value templates for dbt model files 2023-09-08
dawg-python public Pure-python reader for DAWGs (DAFSAs) created by dawgdic C++ library or DAWG Python extension. 2023-09-08

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