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ad-testing / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
python-gil public General purpose programming language 2024-10-04
libpython-static public General purpose programming language 2024-10-04
python public General purpose programming language 2024-10-04
scipy public Scientific Library for Python 2024-09-27
pythran public a claimless python to c++ converter 2024-09-27
pybind11-global public Seamless operability between C++11 and Python 2024-09-27
pybind11 public Seamless operability between C++11 and Python 2024-09-27
ply public Python Lex-Yacc 2024-09-27
python_abi public Metapackage to select python implementation 2024-09-16
asv public A simple Python benchmarking tool with web-based reporting 2024-09-09
psutil public A cross-platform process and system utilities module for Python 2024-09-04
pip public PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages 2024-09-04
numpy-base public Array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects. 2024-08-29
numpy public Array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects. 2024-08-29
pyyaml public YAML parser and emitter for Python 2024-08-29
markupsafe public Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup. 2024-08-29
jinja2 public A very fast and expressive template engine. 2024-08-29
fsspec public A specification for pythonic filesystems 2024-08-29
filelock public A platform independent file lock. 2024-08-29
pandas public High-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools. 2024-08-27
hypothesis public A library for property based testing 2024-08-27
bottleneck public Fast NumPy array functions written in Cython. 2024-08-27
numexpr public Fast numerical expression evaluator for NumPy 2024-08-27
attrs public attrs is the Python package that will bring back the joy of writing classes by relieving you from the drudgery of implementing object protocols (aka dunder methods). 2024-08-27
versioneer public Easy VCS-based management of project version strings 2024-08-27
pytest-forked public run tests in isolated forked subprocesses 2024-08-27
black public The Uncompromising Code Formatter 2024-08-27
python-build public A simple, correct PEP517 package builder 2024-08-27
pyproject_hooks public Wrappers to call pyproject.toml-based build backend hooks. 2024-08-27
pytest-cov public Pytest plugin for measuring coverage 2024-08-27
coverage public Code coverage measurement for Python 2024-08-27
rich public Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal. 2024-08-27
pygments public Pygments is a generic syntax highlighter suitable for use in code hosting, forums, wikis or other applications that need to prettify source code. 2024-08-27
mdurl public URL utilities for markdown-it-py parser. 2024-08-27
markdown-it-py public Python port of markdown-it. Markdown parsing, done right! 2024-08-27
typing_extensions public Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 2024-08-27
typing-extensions public Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 2024-08-27
types-setuptools public Typing stubs for setuptools 2024-08-27
types-psutil public Typing stubs for psutil 2024-08-27
pytz public World timezone definitions, modern and historical. 2024-08-27
mypyc public Optional static typing for Python 2024-08-27
mypy_extensions public Extensions for mypy 2024-08-27
mypy public Optional static typing for Python 2024-08-27
urllib3 public HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more. 2024-08-27
trove-classifiers public Canonical source for classifiers on PyPI (pypi.org). 2024-08-27
setuptools-scm public The blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags 2024-08-27
requests public Requests is an elegant and simple HTTP library for Python, built with ♥. 2024-08-27
pysocks public A Python SOCKS client module. See https://github.com/Anorov/PySocks for more information. 2024-08-27
pluggy public Plugin registration and hook calling for Python 2024-08-27
pathspec public Utility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths. 2024-08-27

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