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ActivisionGameScience / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
assertpy None Assertion library for python unit testing with a fluent API 2023-06-16
simplejson None Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python 2023-06-16
p4python None Python bindings to Perforce 2023-06-16
elasticsearch None Python client for Elasticsearch 2023-06-16
unidecode None ASCII transliterations of Unicode text 2023-06-16
python-nvd3 None Python NVD3 - Chart Library for d3.js 2023-06-16
c-blosc None No Summary 2023-06-16
brewer2mpl None Connect colorbrewer2.org color maps to Python and matplotlib 2023-06-16
blosc None Blosc data compressor 2023-06-16
python-snappy public Python library for the snappy compression library from Google 2023-06-16
numpydoc None Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format 2023-06-16
pandasql None sqldf for pandas 2023-06-16
bottle-cork None Authentication/Authorization library for Bottle 2023-06-16
ldap3 None A strictly RFC 4511 conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client. Same codebase for Python 2, Python3, PyPy and PyPy 3 2023-06-16
cherrypy None Object-Oriented HTTP framework 2023-06-16
ggplot None ggplot for python 2023-06-16
pweave None Scientific reports with embedded python computations with reST, LaTeX or markdown 2023-06-16
bottle None Fast and simple WSGI-framework for small web-applications. 2023-06-16
maven None No Summary 2023-06-16
kazoo public Higher Level Zookeeper Client 2023-06-16
autopep8 None A tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide 2023-06-16
tweepy None A native Python client for accessing the Twitter API. 2023-06-16
networkx_viewer None Interactive viewer for networkx graphs. 2023-06-16
pykafka public Python library to talk to Kafka topics 2023-06-16
langid None langid.py is a standalone Language Identification (LangID) tool. 2023-06-16
urllib3 None HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more. 2023-06-16
update_checker None A python module that will check for package updates. 2023-06-16
oauthlib None A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic 2023-06-16
bz2file None Read and write bzip2-compressed files. 2023-06-16
requests-oauthlib None OAuthlib authentication support for Requests. 2023-06-16
twiggy None a Pythonic logger 2023-06-16
mpltools None Tools for Matplotlib 2023-06-16
ipy_table None Easily create richly formatted tables in an IPython Notebook 2023-06-16
pygal None A python svg graph plotting library 2023-06-16
tabulate public Pretty-print tabular data 2023-06-16
regex None No Summary 2023-06-16
smart_open None Utils for streaming large files (S3, HDFS, gzip, bz2...) 2023-06-16
praw None PRAW, an acronym for `Python Reddit API Wrapper`, is a python package that allows for simple access to reddit's API. 2023-06-16
p4api None No Summary 2023-06-16
line_profiler None Line-by-line profiler. 2023-06-16
httplib2 None A comprehensive HTTP client library. 2023-06-16
beaker None A Session and Caching library with WSGI Middleware 2023-06-16
git None No Summary 2023-06-16
cmake None No Summary 2023-06-16
gettext None No Summary 2023-06-16
expat None No Summary 2023-06-16
libtool None No Summary 2023-06-16
ant None No Summary 2023-06-16
tmux None No Summary 2023-06-16
vim None No Summary 2023-06-16

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